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Glacier Bay 2770, Santa was good to me

Discussion in 'General Catamaran Discussion' started by Norseman, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale

    He got me one of these: A World Cat Glacier Bay 2770.
    Closing and delivery next week.
    Not really thought a twin outboard being more fuel efficient than a single diesel with the
    same HP, but this thing is: 2 MPG at cruise, same as an Albin 28TE. The cat is a bit faster
    but the Albin a bit roomier inside, but size wise they are in the ballpark.
    The name of this little beauty will be "Odin".
  2. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    From an efficiency standpoint, it's hard to beat a pair of OBs on a cat. Congrats Dag!
  3. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Thx, I deserved it, Santa says I have been good. Wifey not in agreement :D

    Yeah, I need efficiency, will be running over to the Bahamas frequently, I am sure gas is twice the price over there.
    The model I am getting is exactly like the picture above, colors and all.
    Note the 6 rod holders on the "tower" structure: I don't fish and have no use for them, can't remove, welded on to the tubing. Not sure it is worth the trouble to grind them off, then re-paint the tubing, or just leave 'em there for hand-holds and re-sale value ? Any ideas?

    The Yamaha motors comes with a 3 year warranty. I got another 2 years due to some promotion right at Christmas, for a total of 5 years.
    Another year, for 6 total is $750 per motor, $1,500 total.
    Is it worth it?
    Not sure. Anybody else on this board with experience on the Yammies?
    (There is a Glacier Bay Owner's Forum, but it seems to be infected with bugs and spam so guys are bailing out, otherwise I would ask over there it the forum was more active)

    Lots of questions on this new Bahamas Sled, anybody on this board with same boat and/or same motors?
  4. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    Leave them in place and use them for smoke grenade launchers ala the Abrams tanks ...


    Might be a good anti-piracy option.
  5. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Thx, never thought of that but perhaps a good idea now that North Korea is on the run with their nuclear missiles and Somalia is cranking out wannabe
    pirates night and day.
    The Rocket Launchers may have to earn their keep..
  6. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC


    I have a friend who commutes between Cold Spring Harbor, NY and Stamford CT each day in a Glacier about 27 feet. Very stable and reliable vessel and he only stays home when the ice holds him to the dock. Don't know what his power is, but my son has had a series of "yammies", 150 hp and above, over the last 15 years or so. They purr like kittens and have been quite dependable motors for him. Good luck and enjoy your commuter.
  7. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Same efficiency but the price of gasoline is about a $1 a gallon more on the outboards. BUT, you can get in much tighter places with the to the beach in the Bahamas. I'd leave the rod holders, they come in handy at times for leaving poles, washdown brush, boat hook etc in. Or ropes hanging from if docking. Outboards will be quieter at cruise than a diesel inboard also.
  8. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Cool, ask him about the hours and failures (if any) of these engines?
    This is a bit of new territory for me, I know more about sailboats and
    Cruising warm weather that I do about big outboards and small catamarans.
    Took a chance that I will enjoy this kind of cruising, and now beyond the point of no return...:D
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    They're pretty bulletproof motors. Stay away from fuel with ethanol in it. Service them annually. Keep a spare set of fuel filters on board and some spare oil, and you should be good to go. I know a really good Yamaha mechanic that's reasonable.
  10. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Cool, I was curious about the noise level.
    Been on friend's boats with twin Yammie 150s, but just idling up and down the river. Whisper quiet. Never heard them at 3000 or 5000 RPMs.
  11. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    He operates a little marina out east, is a mechanical engineer and certified tech. He thinks Yahamas are one of the best outboards manufactured. He's drooling to get that dealership!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
  12. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Go for any extended warranties. It is a few bux now but one power-head failure in the next 5/6 years and it paid for itself. It's a poker hand but worth the anti.
    The back side of the extended warranties is you must document well all service. The fine print may include from a factory shop. Check out all fine print and stick to it.
    It's still good protection.
    Keep the rod holders. As above, good for mops, hand holds, plant hangers and quick dive flag staffs.

    I have been on a couple of power cats. Interesting ride but more stable in the chop. They just don't lean into a turn that messes me up a bit.
    I really think your going to like the ride and speed.

    Oh, the wake. Lotts nicer. You will see the difference thru the skinny parts of da ditch down your way.

    F Lee Bailey used to visit us in Manalapan (N Boyton Inlet) on his Glacier Bay cat.
    He luved that boat.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
  13. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Leave the rod holders. We have triple Yamaha 300's and while they are not very old, they get a lot of use and have given no issues.
  14. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Good news:)

    Yeah, I had my first outboard experience with Yamaha:
    30 years ago I was a liveaboard on a sailboat in the Virgin Islands.
    Being in my late 20s I was not too bright or too experienced with pleasure craft. (More balls than brains and never owned a boat in my life)
    Bought a 44' Bermuda Yawl and took up the lifestyle: Live at anchor, too poor for a dock or a slip. Also too poor for an outboard: All the money went to boat payments and repair/maintenance.
    This boat came with a dink, a 9' Dyer Dhow with a sailing rig and rudder/centerboard.
    Great little dink. We rowed to shore every day and occasionally sailed in the local area in the dink to visit with other liveaboards or just to go for a sail.
    We did this for 2 years, rowed the boat all over and every day.
    Needless to say I was in great shape from all this rowing and skinny as an athlete.
    After a year and a half we could afford dock space at Salt River Marina and did not have to row anymore, just step of the boat and you are on dry land.
    Like winning the lotto.
    The marine store at Salt River had a 2 HP Yamaha two-stroke outboard displayed and for sale. I kept looking at it every month when I entered the office to pay my Marina bill.
    Asking price was $400.
    I kept looking and kept asking the manager about this neat little motor every month.
    Finally she said I could have it for $315.
    Bought it and thought I died and went to heaven: No more rowing, just pull the cord and go boating. The little 2 hp would surf the lightweight hard shell dink, probably doing 5-6 knots.
    My first outboard and first Yamaha.
    Not too fond of the Japanese, Pearl Harbor and everything and I was born December 7th, get reminded every year of the sneak attacks.
    Also had Yamaha outboards later, 2 and 4 strokes.
    They seem to have a good reputation despite some class action law-suit about corrosion problems.
  15. JWY

    JWY Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Congratulations, Dag! Glad to see your search ended productively.

    Fair winds and safe cruising! And don't forget to invite your YF friends to share in your dolphin, tuna, wahoo and other Bahamian delectables.

  16. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    He doesn't fish so he'll have to make some friends there.
  17. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Don't fish. Hate blood and guts on my boat and hate killing things for sport.
    This boat has fish lockers and a live well compartment.
    Will use the lockers for water and fuel amd the live well compartment for beer.

    Yeah, no fishing but lots of friends, especially fishes..:D
  18. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Well, kind of an impulse buy.
    No way I was going to purchase a brand new boat, but I did.
    Lots of pros and cons, but decided to go that route.
    59 years old right now. This little boat should bring me pleasure and no headaches for 10 years. After that I don't give a sh!t, can't take the money with me in the grave anyway and can only eat and drink so much. Loose women are out for the time being. Boats are ok says wifey.
  19. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    10 years, Gad! I've been running my Post for 16 seasons with no problems, knock wood - my head. Treat her right and your grandchildren will be running the same GPS courses as you. Conservative rpm's, regular service, premium parts, and wax that gelcoat. My boat is shrink wrapped so the forum will have to put up with me....
  20. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Aye, no grandchildren, or children. Need to burn all my money before it is too late. The stock market right now sure helps me do that. :rolleyes:
    Yup, will wax that gelcoat. Any recommendations for non-cleaner wax being strong in a salt water environment?