I would like to see what everybody's favorite Yacht launch's of 2015 were and what they are looking forward to in 2016..... I'll start us off.... 2015 Favorite launch- The 91m Lady Lara or the 156m Omar (Dilbar) What I'm most looking forward to in 2016- The 90m Benetti Lionheart Launching
My favorite was either Symphony or Lady Lara. I'm most looking forward to Y-712. I thought she would have been launched last year as I thought the 110m project was due this year.
24m< Franck Muller Yachts 55' Open 24-50m RossiNavi Taransay & Heesen Ann G 50-75m Columbus Taiba & Tankoa Suerte 75-100m Lürssen Lady Lara & Feadship Savannah >100m Nobiskrug SY A
My favorite launch designwise was "Lady Lara" and the revolutionary SY "A". I am also looking mostly forward to OceAnco's Y712 and the 72m A&R project.
Yeah you'd think they'd be right on some clown posting what clearly has nothing to do with yachts...lol
Getting back on track, sailing yacht "A" became my favorite launch of 2015, but for reasons beyond it's design or engineering. Over the summer, I received a box of chocolates from Nobiskrug (for no apparent reason). Up until this point, I've had very little contact with this yard. I sent a thank you note to Nobiskrug and asked why the confectionery gift? It turns out YachtForums has been a leading source of traffic to Nobiskrug's website since the launch of Sailing Yacht "A". The chocolates were a Thank You gift. Here's the best part... with the launch of "A", the world's media descended on Nobiskrug this year. Not just the yachting media, but every other form of media too. Obviously, Nobiskrug's marketing department was absolutely slammed this year, but they took time to send a box of chocolates and have chosen to add YF to their media plans for 2016. I think this speaks volumes about the continued acceptance and propagation of our media.