Considering a boat with the Perkins-Sabre M300Ti motor from 2003. It was an option on the boat, at the time, the Albin 28TE, but not very popular: Looks like Most owners went for the 315 hp Yanmar. (The Perkins is 300 hp in this application) Talked to one of the Perkins dealers in town and he said there is no parts for this engine in the US, everything had to come for the UK. Sounded strange and perhaps I talked to the wrong guy. Does anybody have experience with this engine? The good, the bad, the ugly...?
Did you speak to Complete Yacht Service or to Diesel Services of America? Whichever you spoke to, I'd suggest checking also with the other one. The answer does make a little sense, due to the fact that engine is not sold in the US (shown as available for export only by TA Diesels. Still I'd think there would be some interchangeability.
Its got the same bore and stroke as a CAT 3056 at 3.94" x 5.0" The last one of these 3056's I worked on which was an emergency genset had the Perkins logo cast into the Cylinder head. I would hazard a guess that they have a lot of similarities. Dag, If you need parts from the UK, I can help you or put you in touch with someone who can.
Thanks Gentlemen. Yes, I spoke to Complete Yachts last week and contacted Diesel Services of America today, waiting to hear back. Kiw1: Don't need no parts yet, but will probably drive to Vero Beach this week to inspect the boat. Before I make an offer or go any further, yes I need to know about parts availability whether from the UK or here in the US. If CAT parts would work, so much the better. No plans to rebuilt the motor, but if shipping and parts from overseas is going To be costly and take a long time, it may be reflected in my offer. (Although the strong $$ may be a temporary relief)
This is a 3506 from the CAT Site. This is a Perkins Sabre off the link you posted. They look quite similar.
Those Fuel Filters on the CAT are the identical twins to the old CAV 7111-296 Elements that Perkins have used since the year dot.
There are some CAT engines that Perkins then branded as theirs. I don't know if this is one or not. Regardless, I suspect many interchangeable parts based on what K1W1 has shown.
Ha, them engines on the pics look like twins Now back from Diesel Services of America: Talked to the guy the Parst counter and he indeed said most if not all parts have to come from the UK, even stuff I thought would be generic like injectors and heat exchangers, oh well. Good news on the CAT Twin however, I will find a CAT dealer nearby and chat with them about interchangeable parts. Thanks again, this forum is invaluable: I had no idea about CAT and Sabre being in bed together.
If I remember correctly, CAT did re-brand them and sell them in the U.S. for a VERY short time period and very few and they didn't go over very well so the whole concept was scrapped. I think it had to do with difficulty getting parts for them (to sell) from Perkins. But don't quote me on this. "A supplier to Caterpillar Inc. since the 1970s, Perkins was bought by Caterpillar in 1998 for US$1.325 billion, creating what they claimed was the world's largest diesel engine manufacturer."
News to me. $1.325 billion? Wow. Where does Sabre come in the picture? Did they buy Perkins, or vice versa before Caterpillar came on the scene?
Sabre was acquired by CAT in 2000, two years after Perkins. They were renamed Caterpillar Marine Power UK, located in Wimborne, UK. Caterpillar has largely been built over the years through acquisitions.
Ok, learn something every minute Great fan of Perkins as my sailboat had a 4-108. Best motor built, I cleaned it with tooth picks and cotton, then hugged it almost every day. Wife thought I was nuts, she was probably right..
You'd have to, to keep up with all of the oil leaks! I had a 6t-354 and it was a great motor, but sure leaked oil.
Seepage, not leaks.....seepage. (Say it with your best English accent......) And oh, they don't break down.... they "fail to proceed..." (Yes, I am a scion of Lucas.....)
Didn't we have a thread (of jokes) re Lucas? Yea, Yea,, The first to bottle smoke and offer a DYI kit to put the smoke back into the wires when the Lucas option leaked,,seeped out the smoke... I always called it Failed Smoke Test,, but seems common for Lucas products.
So far nothing. Had plans to do the drive to Sebastian tomorrow for a spin on the Perkins powered Albin. In the meantime another Albin owner keeps emailing me with a lower price almost every day and now we are in the sweet zone where I made a final offer and he accepted it. This boat is a 2007 with low hours and has been stored inside most of the time with the yard maintaining the boat. Will fly up to Boston and inspect it this coming Tuesday, then fly back to Florida same day. The difference is, now we are back to the Yanmar turbo diesel, 315 HP. 6LP-STP if memory serves me right. (. Happens less often these days ) Soo, if this Boston boat is good, I may go for it, if not, back to the Perkins in Sebastian.
The Yanmar powered one might be the best way to go given the area you will operate it. It would be a shame to lose boating days waiting for some oddball part that is peculiar to just those Perkins worth $50 that cost you $300 to get.
] True, but still open minded to the Perkins if this Yanmar deal falls through the cracks. No idea. This is the motor...