The Volkswagen issue is cascading into a tidal wave. Huge money was at stake in this scandal and same will be needed to re-solve it. Rarely does this type of issue affect only one industry, or one manufacturer. Next we will hear a Japanese, US, Korean manufacturer.
Unrealistic yet VW met them on every engine except the TDI and even on the Passat TDI with a catalytic unit? Unrealistic when everyone else checked so far has passed? Please don't justify criminal activity by saying the laws were at fault.
The Volkswagen issue is cascading into a tidal wave Whoa Something happen not posted on this thread? Here in South Georgia, we have not heard of any VW issues.. Please enlighten us slow-news red-necks. ,Bug Fan
Basically VW had software installed in the cars to make them change their mode of operation when emissions tests were being conducted. Very advanced software.
Oh please stop. That is so funny it hurts. I'm reading from "09 thru '15 the computers were false reporting emissions results? My ribs are hurting. LOL LOL LOL... Somebody correctly me before I continue....
Only when being tested. Very sophisticated software that any designer would be proud of. May end up getting used in it's right for defence..Lol
Hay Ralph, the CEO has just committed German Hari-kiri and you heard in 7 jobs in Germany are in automotive. VW has set aside US$11 billion "in case" for recall. This could be reasonably huge! Enjoy the sunshine. Cheers
They better be setting aside much more. In addition to the recall, the fines can be $37,500 per violation which would amount to $18 billion on top of the amount to be spent on the recall. Law suits will start immediately and probably quickly become class action. The cars suddenly are impossible to sell. In California, there's an indication that the state could (although I don't think would) prevent you from re-registering your car when your current tag expires. 23% of VW's US business was diesels, but how many people do you think would buy any of their cars today?
Seems the induced errors started in '08. Also the big cheese resigned today over this. What a drama and shame. I have been a VW & Audi fan for near all my life..... and when the dust settles, will always be again. I can not fit in any of their cars, but always a fan of their technology and engineering.
Just read OB & Kafue updates; This is a sad day. For those that know me,, I want to type more,,,,,,, but should not.... Da$#%$ ,rc
I'm shocked that a huge corporation would lie and fudge numbers just to make billions of dollars. I'd be very skeptical of numbers relating to every other diesel on low emmision cars or in any other use from any manufacturer on the market today. Or we can believe that VW is the only big corporation that would ever do something like this, because nobody else would ever lie just to make bigger profits.
There has always been a big gap between test results and reality. This is why I think the targets have been more fantasy than reality...
Sure, but this is a sophisticated system to defraud. The matter has gone way further than an attempt to satisfy the U.S. Gov EPA. Those responsible have taken business away from competitors from Ford to BMW, conned their buyers and shareholders. It is not a company tired of trying to satisfy a overzealous government department. The program was as much a thief in the cars software as a fraudsters malware inadvertently downloaded into your computer while on the Internet.
Yes, it was more sophisticated than overinflating the tyres, but it is with the same objective. Just as with ethanol, hybrid and even electric cars (or wind mills) have different test results than what we experience in real life.
Everybody expects the performance of a sportscar but the car should run on hot water and the smell of roses. Many of the reports about that issue are somewhat exaggerated, like saying that the emisson values exceed the allowed values several times. This is inevideable when accelerating fast and overfeeding the engine or running the engine while it´s still cold. But it makes a good headline for the media when it comes to presenting a huge scandal. Hey, everybody in the industry knew, even the mechanics at the dealers. And nobody with common sense and decent technical understanding should be surprised. Yes, it´s not correct to cut down engine performance to meet emission requirements that are unrealistic in real life conditions while the test is running and then automatically allow the engine to deliver best performance after the test. But that was not exactly a secret. So why do they make it a scandel right now? For what purpose and with which intention? Cui bono? It´s like claiming that electric cars produce zero emissions (production, heavy metals in battery technology, production, transport and conversion losses of electric energy,... worse than any diesel engine). Those making that story a scandal are just hypocrits. Did anybody really expect than you get less emissions than the cumbustion results from feeding the engines? The emission laws numbers are just good for greenwashing statistics and are more or less a game for political correctness purposes. Simply impossible to meet these numbers while building a car with dynamic performance characteristics at the same time...
Sure, and there is no such thing as climate change and politicians only care about your happiness.
Yes, sure, they ceated. But everybody who wanted to know about it knew it since years. The emmission cleaning technology with Ad-Blue injection and such things does work, but how many customers would accept that they would have to refill the tank for that emission-cleaning additive every 2000 miles? And are there other issues with the emissions while using this technology to reduce carbonoxyde-emissions? No, these manipulations are not really correct. But why did it take so long to decide about making it a topic? And for what purpose now?