Nobody's going there to order a boat. We know they are not likely to build one on spec. I really had hoped this conversation wouldn't occur like it did this year, so much for that. I'm glad someone organized a get together, it happens to be Worton Creek.
I'm far more impressed by an older boat that is kept up\restored than writing a big check to buy a newer one that will automatically look good. Be proud of what you have and plan to accomplish!!
Would the folks that are attending the rendezvous please take some pictures and post on this sight. I've been wanting to go for the last few years but always have some other commitment that keeps me from making the run--two kids in school make it hard. I'd like to get the opinion of the attendees if its a worth while event to attend. It seems it would be fun just to get together with fellow Post owners, but wondered what Worton Creek did to make it special. Thanks, Patrick
I will Patrick. Just got the itinerary and it appears they have planned a fine event. Looks like 11 boats and one drive in.
Two days later and not a peep. You kids O K? Wondered if you could hold your rum. Still hung over or tight lipped about something or somebody.
Just got back Mr Crapps, great time, good people, great seminars, spectacular food and outstanding camaraderie! Pictures to follow, I need to get some sleep.
Sleep. I have heard of this event before; Elusive like lunch, off time and vacation. Usually used by people of an higher pay scale or Post owners. Note to self,,,,, get a Post and get a life, humm?? Gad I luv you Post kids. ,rc
I went 2 or 3 years ago and would be there this time except for an irreconcilable conflict. I'm sure it will be a good time.