Good evening all, When this starts happening then you know the Med season is basically over. This happens every year when the season starts to change. In Mallorca we have really severe weather that can range from Hurricane strength storms that pass through with next to no warning or these tornados at sea and several that make landfall. the 3 photos below were taken by MBS carter here in Mallorca. This was taken today in the bay of Palma. the 4th photo was taken in Ibiza yesterday, it was posted on one of the FB yachting pages.
Pretty dramatic images. Come to Florida. We have tornadoes with eyes! Hope all is well Graham. Long time, no post?
Hi Carl you win on the hurricane front but at least you get a warning. these tornados st sea just happens with very little warning. All is well been in the background not always login in so i apologise. YF still the best forum out there and thanks for all the hard work and changes. I currently work 6 months on a boat and 6 months on a wine farm for the boss so my work is diversifying in all areas. Keep up the good work.
Heard on the news today that 3cm hail was falling in Mallorca, you could play golf with something that size. I will add that in 30 odd years of ravelling the world on various vessels the two all time worst sea conditions I have experience have both been in the Med near Cap Corse when a fresh Mistral was blowing. The next worst would have been Mahon to Toulon in a Sunseeker superhawk while one was blowing by the time we got close to Toulon after having been given a very mis leading forecast by the mothership at 0400.
I agree with you K1W1 the med is a strange mistress. The Gulf of Leon has my respect. We have had wrong weather reports several times doing that crossing. A few times was suppose to be Force 3 but whe you hit the centre of the gulf it is force 7. Can't count on weather reports. In the 13 years living in the med I have had 2 crossings where the sea was like a mirror. The med is not a joke and at knight it feels 100 times worse.
This weather is fairly normal and it happens every year. Mainland Spain has flash floods and the islands have the weather we are experiencing now. This weather usually only happens end Sept/October so it's a bit early. Will be interesting to see what the winter will be like.
Is the bus still operating with all that water in it? Would think it had flooded the engine compartment
As this is an annual event, I would guess that the buses have diesel engines equipped with snorkels. A little bit of water isn't going to stop them.