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Solar Panels

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by 1000 islands, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yes, they make small solar panels that will do what you're looking for and I'd recommend it. In addition to your bilge pumps, your electronics memories are going to steal a small amount of amperage as well, probably 0.2 amps per hour. I think on your boat all of the electronics and bilge pumps come off of the starboard battery, so that is the one I would put a solar panel on, make sure it has a diode so it doesn't discharge your battery while it's not charging.
  2. NBiancardo

    NBiancardo New Member

    Mar 25, 2013
    Huntington NY
    So, lets say I use a small 5Watt panel with a diode (I assume a fuse as well). Do you think I need to get a charge controller or it's not necessary for this small a panel?

    Thanks for the input, I very much appreciate it!
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    In your case I would probably be more concerned by making sure the pumps and their float switches work in the first place. SR like many production boat builder Has a way to hide them in impossible to reach places and stick stupid check valves in them

    Also make sure your cockpit drains are clear

    Back to your original question I have a solar panel taht s about 18"x24" on my mooring kept sailboat. It s hooked to the group 31 house batt thru a sunforce controller. Both were cheap and are doing the job. To keep the battery charged for bilge pumps, nav lights, fresh water pump etc and is the only source of power since the boat is electrical powered
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Nice spot. I'll guess they stopped you at the entrance to Northport Bay. It's slow speed there. When you add in the run from the entrance of Huntington Bay to the entrance of Northport Bay that's adequate for keeping everything lubed and charged. Your batteries should be fine. Just keep remembering to shut that battery switch when you leave the boat.
  5. NBiancardo

    NBiancardo New Member

    Mar 25, 2013
    Huntington NY
    I've decided to take back up the issue after putting it aside for a bit.....and I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on plugging a Sunforce 5 watt 12v trickle charger into the 12V receptacle at the helm (cigarette lighter style). It just seems like an easy way to connect/disconnect when getting on the boat. I think it's hot even when the battery switches are turned off, but I will need to check on that.
  6. 1000 islands

    1000 islands Member

    Apr 20, 2013
    Ivy Lea
    Wow....thanks for all your input and thoughts.

    After much thinking, reading, internet surfing and more, I have decided that solar power is not for me.....yet.

    What I have done is remove the two deep cycle batteries that were being used as starting batteries and house before I installed the 8D, replace them with two starter batteries and then add the deep cycles to the 8D.

    That should be enough to keep me in power for the length of time we're away from shore power/genset.

    My dock neighbour thinks I'm wasting money and should go solar asap.

    He was out for just under 2 weeks and never used his genset or shore power, all was from his solar panels.

    We'll see as time goes by
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Technology changes often. The drastic up and downs in the solar market has been drastic and painful in the last several years with nothing to offer our small, end user market.
    Hopefully these tech pikes will settle down and a marketable / cost conscious / fair priced, product will appear soon. Keep shopping and researching.
    go solar asap ?? Typically, prices on the existing solar prices will come down as any new products come to market. There is no hurry.
    Your battery plan should offer a couple/few years of service. Something closer to your needs (in solar) may come up before they require another rotation.
    Good luck.