35 Cabo Flybridge when plugged in to shore power and a/c is on the light is on...running gen set and a/c is on there is no light on??what could be the problem??any ideas??thanks!
That warning light is trying to tell you something is wrong. Usually NOT good. Hot & Neural shore wires reversed & Neural connection bad, are examples. Both conditions can damage equipment, the boat and you. 30Amp connects melt quickly on the air conditioning cable when dual 30s are used. 50 Amp connects hold up a little better. Carefully Look over your cable plug ends for dirty or damaged pins. Try another shore power cable if any pin or socket does not look "like new". Try another shore connection to help ensure you don't have a bad service outlet. If you don't understand what I'm typing, Stop, Call a qualified marine electrician quickly. 115/130Vac over 30 amps will ruin your day (& more) if mistreated.
US electrical color codes are in example here; Another example of a problem could be; If the green wire had voltage on it and the white neutral was fine, the light would come on also. The light is connected between the white and green wire before (shore side) the ships transfer or service breakers. Usually, these wires (white & green) are tied together at the dock (or shore) and have the same potential. One of the most common mistakes made during installing plugs or sockets is miss-placing the black & white wires. Seems simple and of course a veteran electrician could never make this error,,,,,,, rookies mess it up also..
Yep, there is a neural missing, shorted, pinched & defective. Between my ears. Darn spell checker. Goes back to speed reading, the (my) mind assumes to many things.
Tried different shore power cable...same thing...different slip power pedistal..same thing...only when using shore power..when using gen set light is off...???????
It's always been this way or new symptom? This could be something simple but as stated above (despite my poor typing skills) it MAY be dangerous. Time to bring in an electrician.
I agree with rcrapps, but before you make the call, check that your connections are solid. Most cable ends have a little lip that sometimes makes a solid connection difficult. Failing that the most likely culprit is the shorepower inlet at your boat. It might very well get corroded from salt or the prongs damaged when connecting/disconnecting the cord. Not a hard thing to change, although I'd have an electrician do the repair.
Friend of mine had the same issue. After many visits from electrician discovered that the shore power was not putting out full 30 amps. Check you shore power and ensure that it is giving full amperage.
Just in the process of buying the boat...it has two Newmar Glavonic isolators in the shore power lines..are they factory???or you think someone added those?
From someone who is more in the know about US Electrics than me: "The shore power ground (green wire) could be disconnected or the ground on the dockside shore supply could be faulty. The reason it does not show up on Genset is because the genset switch separates the neutral and the shore power ground and connects it to the genset frame ground."
Yours statement makes it sound as there are two shore power lines. Dual cables plugged in to the ship? Dual polarity lights?
My guess would be factory, however it raises a new issue. If your shore power cord has the ground connected, that could be the sorce of your problem. I've not dealt with 30 amp with the GI, but more than a few people have replaced the ground prong on the 50 amp cord. I was almost one the first boat I ran with a GI. I asked the yard to install a new prong, and they were willing. I happened to be on board when the mechanic was doing the job that was ordered. Our discussion educated me and promptly took that job off the list.
No luck so far boat is hauled right now for bottom job...i am going to try to pin point it when I get it back in the water...turn one breaker on at a time and see if I can narrow it down...mechanical stuff I know...this is new to me.. keep the help coming...
Good test, You still get the light plugged in on the yards power supply? Did not get response on; What power are you drawing; 2 x 30 amp, 1 x 50 amp @ 115Vac, 1 x 50 amp @ 115/240Vac? Or send us a pic of your cable end(s).
35' Cabo runs 2-30amp cords. You can run the boat on one, but running both a/c's full blast and water heater will trip the 1 line. Newmar galvanic isolators were standard equipment on Cabo's. Sounds like you have some issue going on.