Hey yachtforums, I'm interested in finding out which of the largest yacht(s) have publicly available deck-plans? So far the largest yacht with an available deckplan I've found out belongs to the Illusion, however the plans are barely legible. I was wondering if anyone here knows if something larger out there comes with available and legible deckplans? I'm looking for plans to use as a loose 3D recreation for a personal project, I'm mostly recreating the interior. Apologies in advance if this is this is not the appropriate sub-forum, I was debating earlier on whether or not the Yacht designer's sub-forum would have been a better choice.
The largest yachts are mostly custom creations, and for security the deck plans would not be commonly publicly available - unless the yacht was also offered on the charter market. Production yachts will almost always have the deck plans available on the builder's website.