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Sailing Indonesia to Australia - a little advice needed

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by Jaime Gill, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Jaime Gill

    Jaime Gill New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    Hello all

    I really hope you don't consider this to be spam but I am looking for some advice if possible. I have checked the forum rules and I think this is considered acceptable.

    I want to know if many people attempt to travel by yacht from South East Asia (particularly Indonesia or Baili) to Australia in the second half of the year. As I understand it, the really bad weather doesn't begin until October, so there should be some yachts travelling before then. Could someone please let me know if this is the case?

    I am asking because I am hoping to find some work as a deckhand or in any capacity on a yacht - I am qualified for this, incidentally, holding a RYA Competent Crew License. More than a job, this would literally be a dream come true for me. I am a traveller who is currently trying to cross the world from England to Australia without catching a plane. It is a personal challenge and is the reason I took the competent crew course in the UK, in order to complete the final leg of my journey by working on a yacht. I am also a travel journalist who has written for the Guardian, BBC and Wanderlust and plan to write about this adventure.

    So far I have managed to get across Europe, Turkey, Russia, China and the South East of Asia but things get difficult now. I plan to be in Indonesia in August and am looking for a way to get from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia or even Thailand to anywhere in Australia or New Zealand. I could travel any time between August and November.

    I hope you don't mind me contacting you but I would like to offer my services as a deckhand or other employee if you are delivering any yachts to Australia later this year. I am an RHA qualified competent crew member with excellent references, as well as a hard working and enthusiastic employee.
    Do you think there is any chance that I would be able to work on a yacht for you? I can happily provide references, am able to contribute to the cost of having me on board and can sleep in the most basic of conditions . Do many yachts even travel from Asia to Australia at this time of year, from August to November?
    If you don't think you can help me personally do you have any advice on other ways I can try to find a position? Do you know of any agencies who might take me on, or online groups I can join?
    I would hugely appreciate any help.
  2. Liberty

    Liberty Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Brisbane, Australia
    There are plenty of people wanting to charge you for the passage. If only it weren't for that darned Australian Navy.

  3. Jaime Gill

    Jaime Gill New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    Haha, yes - well I think I will leave the people smuggling as very much a last resort. But do you know whether many yachts are likely to be taking this route at this time of year? If my chances are non-existent I need to start planning alternatives. Thanks!
  4. Liberty

    Liberty Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Brisbane, Australia
    Can't help other than noticing that people over here give significant caution to Samatran pirates.