Like most admins, I can run a low level IP search of your IP address to approximate a location. Unlike most admins, I have high level access to IP information. Do you understand what that means? If so, do you still want to stick to your story? You know what... nevermind! Let's talk VanDutch Boats. I've been aboard two of them; one at the Stuart Boat Show, then another at FLIBS because a YF member was looking for a tender to his yacht. I accompanied him for a brief tour, but I quickly exited. Quite possibly the only interiors I've ever seen that could give Bayliner a run for their money. Seriously, where does VanDutch source their cabinets? Let me guess... Home Depot? Ahhh, never mind. The real problem wasn't the interior. It was how ridiculously overpriced these vessels are given the lack of quality materials and craftsmanship that you would expect at this price level. LOTS of great choices in the market for boats like this that offer far more value. A good example would be the Delta line from Sweden. Superior craftsmanship, designed by someone who really knows boats. Let's make this thread about Delta Powerboats! MUCH more interesting!!!
Under-Fine Interiors I believe that was a part of the "undisclosed reasons" for moving production and "everything-but-Frank-Mulder" design to S2 Yachts in Holland, MI., was to bring a bit of "up-scale" to the ordinary. They are building all of the 40's as well, and have enhanced the cockpit/interior finishes to show some value beyond Bayliner. The first 40 VanDutch I boarded in Miami a few years ago left me the same impression, Carl, .... really??? only this for that $$$ ???
That's quite the accusation you're making there. I put that disclaimer up to avoid this nonsense and neither was my post very promoting was it? Feel free to run your 'high level' IP locator, which will most certainly trace me to a small suburb of Amsterdam, called Laren. Which in fact, is a 90 mins drive of where the boats used to be build (Heerenveen). I've also already explained to your moderator how I got that information, so I really don't see any reason for you to attack me. To get back on-topic: We've had our fair share of warranty repairs over the past years. Some issues with the estec among other things, but overall good build quality. I'm quite interested in the US build ones, how their quality holds up. Prices went up a lot recent years, but then again, there was big demand for them too. Mine is from the early days (build #17 or so) and prices sure were different back then. To be honest, I've never really noticed the cabinets. I just use them, not look at them. I do notice the counter scratches a lot. Quite funny though how you're trying to lure me out by posting thing like: I really don't care, it's all subjective. I bought a VanDutch cause I liked it.
It is a concern when a company implies it is something it is NOT. What else is not quite what is claimed about the product? If I set up a boat building company in China and called it Carolina Flare Custom Yachts, I would be an imposter, pretending that there is a connection to a famous boating heritage, when in fact there is 5 minutes of history. In the end, it is only a name, if the product is not up to Dutch Boat building standards then the whole strategy will backfire. Unfortunately, only after customers have been conned-fused!
I agree it's wrong to imply they're still build in The Netherlands when everything has moved to Michigan. Seems like a small website addition, unless they're knowingly trying to hide it. A google search for "vandutch michigan" shows this thread second and neither their website or a press release is anywhere to be found. They either need to stop hiding it, or start hiring a decent website builder.
Vancharlie you are one of the lucky people to be able to have a boat in the cote d'Azur enjoy it. I have a Wajer Osprey 38 in a sort of timeshare construction so we don't have the hassle of maintaining it and berth problems etc. Indeed almost only dutch people own these boats. Everybody has their own taste concerning design. I must admit I like the design aswell, but for me the Wajer has a better finish. Prices between the Vandutch and Wajer are also quite different. You have probably seen the grey with red leather Wajer 38 called "Evolution" A little video. Maybe I will see you next summer!! And Laren is indeed quite a long drive to Heerenveen. Veel plezier met je Vandutch (is dutch)
Now it is Marquis Soundings Trade Only ran an article today that says all production of VanDutch boats will be moved to Marquis Yachts in Pulaski, Wisconsin, beginning this month. Not sure about link posting rules so will opt not to post one.
As if VanDutch in the US wasn't confusing enough, now it's VanDutch built by Marquis. Wonder what they will end up with? Could be much nicer interior with same hull or same interior with worse hull. Or no change. But what I can't figure out at all is that this design is so distinctly European and specifically Netherlands, why the US? I don't see it selling widely in the US and I can't picture it being profitable to export them all back to the Netherlands plus I don't see people there buying them once they're known to be US produced by Marquis. Looks to me like desperate moves and I'd be shocked if VanDutch survives as a stand alone brand.
Just dug into it a bit more and learned they were shown the door at S2 Yachts. Some demands by S2, apparently based on increased quality, were simply ignored so they were invited to look elsewhere.
Assuming they do actually get some boats manufactured, what is their market then? And are they going to manufacture to stock or to order? Have they actually had success selling them in the US?
And does anyone have any idea where this Van Dutch, company based in the UK, boats built in the US, now in Port Grimaud, was actually manufactured? Well, actually, I see Marquis and Van Dutch settled their litigation and now they're continuing at Marquis. But I still wonder where this one was built.
Seems to be that the electrical wiring isnt the best. Last year in Port Grimaud the same happend. A few more pictures from yesterday.
That's what I would have suspected could be the issue the way they've scrambled for production and moved it around. I'm amazed frankly they've sold two new ones in that period of time in Port Grimaud. I do see they have an office in Golfe Juan, however, only about 60 miles away. Are they a popular boat in that area?
In reality for sub fifty feet that is a Riva runabout area, but those who cannot afford try a host of other makes. Over seventy feet it is an Overmarine Mangusta spot.
They're not necessarily sold boats. I see two or maybe three tied up there in the photos. Could be dealer demos. There were a couple of unsold demos tied up at Palm Harbor Marina last year. They're gone now.