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Looking for help in San Francisco

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by Stepp Sydnor, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Stepp Sydnor

    Stepp Sydnor New Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Hello, My wife and I will be in the San Francisco area for two months (July and August 2015). We are looking for a experienced couple in San Francisco that can give us advice on boat selection and basic wisdom on living aboard and cruising. Our goal is to locate a nice boat and spend time living and cruising the west coast. However we don't have a clue what we are doing. Thank you in advanced for your help. Stepp
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
  3. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I have a friend in Seattle I can recommend. PM me if you would like his contact details.
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    That's pretty far from San Fransisco.
  5. discokachina

    discokachina Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Where do you live now?

    Have you read any books or magazines on the subject?

    In the meantime google "living on power boat" and you will find lots of good information on the subject.

    Go to yachtworld then click on advanced and put in a couple of the cities in the SF area and you can do some pre-shopping on line to get an idea of sizes and prices. What is your budget by the way?

    Then go to the marinas where some are located and walk the docks where you will see even more for sale, contact the brokers and take a look at a few. You may need to make appointments for some of the marinas that are secure or go to the dockmaster to see if he will let you take a look around.

    While you are looking in SF also look for some boats of the type you seem to like that you can charter with crew for at least a week so you can see if you really like spending lots of time on a boat and what is involved on a day to day basis. There are lots of boats that are both for sale and for charter so this should be easy to do and if possible definitely try to charter the boat you zero in on or at least one of the same size and model.
  6. Caltexflanc

    Caltexflanc Senior Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    North Carolina
    I'll likely be out there for a week in each of July and August. I was born and raised there in the Bay Area and boated all along the west coast and interior waters off and on for 50 years. We lived aboard and cruised our Hatteras full time for over 5, albeit on the east coast. PM me and perhaps we can arrange something; I am there for business almost every month.