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New Palmer Johnson 170 in Build

Discussion in 'Palmer Johnson News & Launches' started by ScotL, Jun 20, 2015.

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  1. ScotL

    ScotL Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    Green Bay/Milwaukee,WI
    I happened to be up in Sturgeon Bay a couple weeks back and caught a few pics. Loos like a new 170.
    I had not seen anything posted yet, so here you go.

    I apologize for the poor picture quality, I only had a few seconds to get out of the car on the way to a client meeting

    I am expecting to get back up there in a week or two. I will make sure to allow time for some proper photos.

    20150528_181613.jpg 20150528_181639.jpg 20150528_181700.jpg 20150528_181951.jpg
  2. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I'm surprised to see two bow thruster tunnels on a 170'
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Good eye. Could it be redundancy? Given the lack of over-the-bow sight lines with recent PJ launches, twin thrusters could get a captain out of a world of hurt. In thrust we trust!
  4. ScotL

    ScotL Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    Green Bay/Milwaukee,WI
    I had not even noticed that. To echo Carl, Good eye Ken.

    Seeing forward from the 170 might be the only thing that can come close to seeing anything in the rear view mirror of most recent exotic cars. Had the opportunity to take a Murcielago for a drive up in Door County last year, and was afraid to back the thing up (however,going forward was probably the greatest excitement I have had in a very long time). The rear window is a joke.

    I am trying to get up there this week for more pics. Might not happen until next week though.
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