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YF at Fort Jefferson

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by Capt Ralph, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    yffj.JPG rcfj.JPG
  2. Good Spirit

    Good Spirit Member

    Nov 4, 2012
    Northern harbour lake of the woods Ontario Canada
    Nice YF tee shirt. Are they for sale on the site somewhere?
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I think the big guy was in a good mood many (many) moons ago. If I recall, Starting a few new threads and buying the first rounds at different parts of the world for senior members does help a lot.
    They are special shirts. This was rare time worn outside of a few boat shows on me.
    They are not for sale. Hopefully the big guy or YF ADMIN will read this note and get back to you with the drink order. Nice dinner would not hurt next time in S/E FL either.

    Sorry about the second pic. But I figured some day, some folks needed to see what their YF headache looked like.

  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    2015 V Trip 176 a.JPG
    On top of the world, (or a brick fort wall)..
  5. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Hell rc, I thought you had better legs than that !!!
    Just sayin!
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Age and abuse has caught up to my legs (and other parts).
    Had a good walk around the park (fort) that day, so they proved not to be in that bad of shape.
    Had to carry the wife's bag also (spare kitchen sink and parts to some particle accelerator), ad another 50 lbs.
    Wife's motto; Be prepared for anything; You never know when your going to need a spare reactor rod.

    I'm mid 50s and still 280lbs. I do have to start taking better care of my legs.
    Still looking for one of those motorized bar stools.
  7. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Looked like you were draining the center tank on the picture with your back to the camera :D
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Caught me; I'm 279.5 lbs after that picture.
  9. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    1/2 lbs only?
    You need to drink more beer.
    I guess you got no Norwegian DNA?
  10. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    That was only then behind that sign.
    I have Crappy DNA, I marked all over that ole fort. Again my wife's bag was prepared with Thirst Aid provisions to replenish the liquid (status of mind) losses.

    Sadly, No Nors DNA, long line of mass consumption fans DNA here (Irish, German, Red-neck)..
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
  11. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Aye mate, don't feel bad.
    My wife thinks my DNA sucks: All I want to do is to go boating, drink premium beer, hang out with male friends...Then come home for dinner and uh, be romantic.
    3 wife's, 10,000 girlfriends, 6 boats, 31 jobs...(told her before we got married: Men are primitive and I am the poster she believes me, finally)
  12. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Ah,, Primitive male. I understand these things.
    Third wife on board now. 8 or 10 personal boats. Many others I called mine. Drink cheap rum.
    2 career jobs. Dozens of others including current endeavor (much happier now, road rage greatly reduced).
    Think I plus many more combined have to yield to your girlfriend count. There were times I fell in love many times a day, don't think that counts though,, the ladies never knew it or me.

    There may be some Crappy DNA in you yet..

    To be young and stupid again.
  13. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I may need to reflect some boating input here about the trip to make up for the server disk space.

    I have decided that we run to slow (10-11 kts) and are over sized (58x18x5) for the Dry Tortugas and Fort Jefferson. A faster deep V, 28 to 30’ boat with a lil A/C & cabin would make for a more fun trip from Key West.
    Always wanted a 28’ hardtop Parker. That would be ideal.

    Adding to our resume, the Florida mini loop; Jax FL, St Augustine, Ponce, Ft Pierce, Stewart, Okeechobee waterway, Ft Myers, Marco Island, Fort Jefferson, Key West and continuing up the keys to Biscayne Bay, Liqurodale, WPB, FT Pierce, Ponce and home/Jax.

    St Lucie River was real thin leaving the ICW. Anchorage was deeper than the channel past the Roosevelt bridge in west Stewart. After the first lock, up 14 feet, the depth was o k but worry-some. The lake was fair and boring. Had to slow down and look for deeper water at the mid lake turn. Markers were in place, channel was not.

    Right at the Clewiston lock, turning into the rim canal, we found the deepest water of the trip and it continued to just past Ft Myers.

    All lock operators were very easy to work with. Drawbridge people were very cool also.

    Locks close at 1700. Just made Moore Haven lock and tied up at that city dock. 1$ / foot and all the electric and water you can take in. Court house across the street was already closed. Later that evening the grounds keeper came by to collect. We were off early the next morning.

    There are no moor balls at Ft Jefferson as the guide books and web site mention. Just pick a spot and anchor in. Hopefully up wind of the (lip biting here) ground tackle challenged boaters you will meet.

    Fair sand, shell, old coral bits with some (some) grass. Our Old Bruce set in fine. We ended up with 150 feet out when the storms came in. One other boat (Chek flagged) let out more chain, I think to offer us more room. The circus began on first 30 kt gust and lasted for another hour after the winds died.

    Dominoes and pin balls come to mind. SFBs..

    Trying to plan our escape from the bottom (Key West) this morning. Weather still sucks. Heavy S/E winds.

    It is amazing that in this wind, the hundreds of flys (house flys) have found our boat and won’t leave. We have to escape this morning.

    More later; As I try to expand on my Key West Harbor confusion.
  14. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    We did escape Flemming Key / Key West this morning. Ran out into Florida bay and turned back in north of big Deer Kay. Channel was deep till it opened up again then no water. Idled till we had the 7 mile bridge in site but the bottom still had shallow spots. Slipped under the 7 mile bridge and approached Hog Key (West Marathon) from the s/w.
    Looked like a lost friend party as we backed into our assigned slip at Marathon Marina. Didn't know any of them but all were trying to be most helpful in tying up our ship.

    Josie is still on deck washing the sea grass off our Bert. Yep, even bay-side was 2&4' with 30knt winds.

    More on Key West later. I still have some humorous gripes.
  15. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Aye Mate, so true: My DNA directs me to goof off, sleep late and take life easy.

    Working on it, so far 1 out of 2...:cool:
  16. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    There was a vote this morning before I was out of my bunk. Wife and crew (kats) voted to stay here (Marathon Marina) another day. Weather still sux out side and all are tired of shallow water.
    Gives me a chance to yak a lil about the bottom (Key West Harbor).
  17. ddw1668

    ddw1668 Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2007
    Murrells Inlet, SC
    RC and wife for 54 years come September, but many, many boats. Current Fleet is down to four from eight just two years ago. Senility and the ravages of fumes from varnish and bottom paint having finally instilled some reason into the equation. I tried drugs and alcohol, but found yachting to be much more addictive and expensive.o_O
  18. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    As we were approaching Key West I was sad to hear the VHF radio chatter and noise pick up. The radio has been on for 2 weeks but not busy till approaching Key West Harbor. I had never been here before by water.

    By the time we passed the Marqueses Keys (southern line) it sounds like a real busy port with constant Securitay calls. Never could understand what was said in the meat of the transmissions but I figured I would figure it out when I got closer.

    You remember TV and radio commercials where a real fast talking voice disclaims or defines what ever you just watched or heard?

    Now imagine that fast talker, with rocks in their mouth, transmitting a Securitay call.

    There was only one small cruise ship tied. Thru the glass I could see all his lines still on the bollards. He was not going anywhere.

    But I kept hearing (close & loud) Securitay, Securitay, Securitay, bla, bla, bla, bla,.

    Male and female voices. The female voices were the most annoying.

    So, I’m northbound in Key West Harbor Range and out from under the bow of this same cruise ship appears a 60 something foot catamaran point straight to my beam, entering the channel,, at a nice speed.. I quickly maneuvered to get away from him then turned back to get a better look on where he came from and share some international hand signals.

    Ding,, light bulb went on between my ears.

    Finally I figure out there are small basins at each end of the cruise ship terminal. These were sight seeing, joy ride, for hire power/sail catamarans launching a securitay call every time one was about to leave a basin, was leaving a basin, was thinking about entering a basin, was entering a basin or was about to scratch body parts near one of these basins. Must have been 6 to 8 of these and then a few big mono hull sailors also.

    Lots of tourist in June I guess.

    Now I know who and what they are, I still can not understand a d#$%^% thing they are saying.

    Oh, my radio is working fine. I can hear well other transmissions like the countless radio checks. I can make out most of what USCG Sec Key West transmits. One female voice there could be picking up the local lingo with that rock in mouth accent though.

    Flemming key anchorage was pretty tight. Found a spot in decent water, some wind protection from the key. Hook down, set, rum poured and then it started;

    Not sure if the passing boats (some thru the anchorage, out of channel) making surf, rocking the heck out of us and a hundred other boats at anchor, OR the black flies. Big (& small) ticked me off first. I’m sure now it was a planned assault. Quick below to the A/C, TV (sick) and internet (ahh). AND,, plenty of (cheap) rum..

    Finally at anchor, for the first time in two weeks, I turn the radio off before I got any more ,,,,,, amazed..\

    Josie did inquire about docking till she got some price$. I won't expand any more on that to save my temper.

    My conclusions of Key West by water agree with my opinions of Key West by land;;

    I never should have wasted my time and money when I came by land (twice), I will never return by water.

  19. ddw1668

    ddw1668 Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2007
    Murrells Inlet, SC
    Ditto Key West by land...............or water..........only redeeming tourist trap is the Mel Fisher Museum. Got a kick out of the very large female security guard sleeping in the room that formerly housed the gold bar that was in a plexiglass 'theft proof' housing BEFORE it was stolen a month before we got there. :rolleyes:
  20. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Well, we love Key West. Just a place with a different attitude. Few places like Duval Street and Mallory Square, but a lot of history too. Places like the Hemingway and Truman houses and Saint Mary Star of the Sea. The Coast Guard Cutter Museum and the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum. Relaxing places like the Butterfly Conservatory, state parks, Eco-Discovery museum, the Wildlife Center and Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden. And I never miss a lighthouse. So much to enjoy. Then at night just people watch along Duval, maybe check out a couple of places and see what's going on inside, like the Green Parrot Bar.

    Certainly not a quiet place and New Year's got a bit much for us although New Year's Eve was an experience. We headed up the West Coast on New Year's Day though.