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Need Information and Owners manual Post 42 -1981

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by IGORMIAMI, Jun 3, 2015.



    Hi Guys,
    We are buying a 42- 1982 with DD-671-TI-450 with 700 hour SMOH, we need all information we can about performance, speed, fuel consumption total both engines and a what Rpm, cruising speed @ RPM?, and any other information you believe it is important to know.

    What we have to look for at time of inspection.

    If any one has a layout drawing an owner manual we will appreciate.

    We are looking forward to become a Post Proudly Owners.

    Our best to all...
  2. deanpe

    deanpe New Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Hollywood, MD
    I have the same set up. I cruise between 1800 and 2100rpm. At 1800, I'm right about 18-19kts. At 2100, about 24-25kts. Wide open, I can touch 30kts. I don't definitively know my fuel burn, but from reading others post, I believe it is about 35 gal/hr total at 2000rpm (17-18 per motor). It is important that both motors can reach 2600rpm in neutral (no load) and reach 2500rpm in gear (preferably 2550). Check with a phototach. Water temps should never get above 190-195, should run 180-185 under normal cruising conditions. Get an IR heat gun ($40 on amazon) and check temp at the thermostat housing (on the top rear of the motor) while cruising. If you are in air temps 70 degrees or warmer, cold engines should fire up with only a little smoke at first, clearing within 10 seconds or so and run at steady idle of 500-600rpm. It is best to have an experienced detroit mechanic go over these engines before the sale.
