Every year starting on Bardot's birthday the Sails of Saint Tropez sail boat race happens. Its just after the Monaco boat show.. and a reason many sailboaters are preoccupied getting ready. Here is the web site... the link should take you to the English version.... Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez – Site Officiel This is a nice place to purchase pictures for the computer, phone and posters Gilles Martin-Raget photos
Pauvres enfants regardent ce que que vous avez manqué.... so so Lookie what you missed... yachties..... Preview Jour 1 Jour 2 Jour 3 Jour 4 Jour 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De1FXvAOeo4&list=UUOWJleackeMali4I9UxPxUg&index=3 Jour 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tuj25MdyCw4&list=UUOWJleackeMali4I9UxPxUg&index=2 Jour 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGcYB93EoG8&list=UUOWJleackeMali4I9UxPxUg&index=1
Well I apologize is someone else has already posted the video by one of my favorite and one of our most prolific videographers, that have one of my favorite boats(Wajer Osprey 38) and some of my favorite yachts designed by favorite yacht designer, Jon Bannenberg in one of my favorite locals.