Seems like a good time to recommend a book that I just finished reading that is extremely well researched and entertainingly written. Who woulda thought something as mundane or nuisance inducing as rust could be page-turning exciting? I have no connection to this book even if the author does have cute initials and a great last name. I read the review in the Wall Street Journal and felt compelled to buy it based on the review. The author claims that his ownership of a steel sailboat is the catalyst for this tome. Although the negative aspects of steel and aluminum become a topic and title, don't let it dissuade you from the benefits of metal boat ownership. Nonetheless, it's obvious the author wasn't a YF member or a few posts here would have pointed him in a different heading, but then we wouldn't have gotten the benefit of his research. A fascinating read, check it out: Rust by Jonathan Waldman, Simon & Schuster 2015. Judy
Thanks for the heads-up! I've got that on my wish list now. My hull is ferro-cement and it's a rather important issue for me.