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Ocean Alexander vs Hatteras

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by nutsforboats, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    Anyone intimate enough with both manufactures to technicaly compair Ocean Alexander to Hatteras?

    I would like to compair:

    Hull construction
    Hull shape ( ride charterististics / sea worthiness)
    General engineering and workmanship (referring to plumbing, piping, electrical) to compair a 70ish OA to a 70ish Hatt?

    I am also curious of opinions for aluminum fuel tanks vs fiberglass molded into the keel tanks which claim to created a second bottom.

    My observation which I don't really know are correct are as follows. I am hoping for opinions from people with much more experience than me.

    Seems Hatteras is building a boat with a lower center of gravity than OA. Seems that the fuel, water, black water are all lower. It also seems the engines are kept lower. I would expect this may make a better handaling / riding boat, but I don't know if the difference is significant or marginal?

    Seems like the pipe fittings, nipples, and supports may be better engineered or better quality in the Hatt?

    Workmanship on all major components seem equal however the minor details for straps, supports, screw sizes may be a little lacking in the OA?
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I assume you're talking just the Motor Yachts of each, but you don't say what time period.

    Just in general, it's a bit of an unfair comparison since they're far apart price wise. The Hatteras is hard to beat when it comes to construction quality and their finish details including all the items you mentioned is generally considered among the best. Hatteras generally is more directed toward performance, larger engines, and, of course, the fuel usage that accompanies them.

    But all that doesn't mean Ocean Alexander is a bad boat. There are many long time happy owners. They have gotten away from their smaller boats but might be reentering that market. They have some interesting manufacturing innovations, not saying better or worse. I'd say at this moment they have a lot of changes taking place regarding where they build their boats. Traditionally they have built in Taiwan. They built 120's at Christensen. Now, they're going to be getting some models built on Merritt Island.

    Generally too, Hatteras will be finished inside with more expensive materials.
  3. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    You are correct that I am comparing MY's. I am at the Palm Beach Boat Show trying to compair. Hatt has a 60 (the 70 is under construction but I assume it will be identical to the 60) and OA has 72 both 2015 boats.

    My questions are not intended to compair the two specific boats as much as to compair the following in general with each of the two builders.

    Do you have knowledge / opinions re:

    Hull shape - handaling sea conditions
    Fuel tanks - molded vs alum
    Center of gravity
    Workmanship / engineering of equip and systems (not fit and finish)
  4. RB480

    RB480 Senior Member

    Feb 8, 2011
    New Buffalo, MI
    The Hatt being painted vs polished Gelcoat, glass tanks, and fit and finish in general is a lot better than the OA if you really start poking your head in behind things.

    I'm not sure what the OA is powered by, but the Hatt most likely has a set of Cats which is my choice all day over anything else in that size range.

    The best thing to do is get a dealer to take you out on a snotty day back to back and see which you feel more comfortable on.
  5. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    I appreciate your input. I will compair over the next few days. Just to keep you curent, OA is now going all paint (at least on the 72). Both have cats.
  6. SR610

    SR610 New Member

    Aug 23, 2012
    We own an 2013 OA and it is painted not gel coat. We looked at Hatteras and liked very much but got a great deal on an OA. The fit and finish to me is similar. The engineering is good. We have MTU's. The sky lounge in the OA is larger and laid out better than the Hatteras. Our beam is 20' and we like the space and stability. We are at the boat show in PB thru tomorrow. All things considered, we got a great deal and a great MY.
  7. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The Hatteras build quality is better. The Hatteras performs better and has a good cruise speed. The OA's never really get on plane and burn a lot of fuel to go not very fast and wallow around at 14 knots. Fiberglass fuel tanks are MUCH better than Aluminum. Getting 20 years out of an Aluminum fuel/water/etc tank is a miracle. I haven't heard of any Hatteras having issues even on 40 year olds with the Fiberglass fuel tanks. The OA's are pretty good quality but suffer the same traits as all of the boats built over there. Poor quality s/s that needs to be polished often, overly complicated fuel systems and electrical systems etc etc. The Hatteras is clearly the better boat.
  8. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    I can tell you that my heart and my hull wants to choose the Hatt. After back and forth between the two over 3 days. The hardware (and I mean every single piece) is garbage.. Every hinge,latch, glide, knob, etc is the crap of crap and I am not exaggerating. The Panagraf style door looked like it came from Kaymart. Salon glass door, more junk. Apolstory on the walls, lame.

    I am truly shocked. The worst part about it is I have not ruled them out because I want a truly sea worthy boat.

    Thanks for your input
  9. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    Have you taken a look at the new Viking 75' MY?
  10. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    I haven't, I don't care for the esthetic profile at all and it has no good way to carry a decent size dinghy.
  11. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    What type of cruise speed and range are you looking for?
  12. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    Cruse no less than 18-20 with a burn of 100 gph or less. Range no less than 350 ish at cruse however it seems all these type boats have very long range at displacement speeds or slow planning speed.
  13. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    SR610, how long have you owned your OA and what size is it?

    Have you had the opportunity to run in 4-6' head sea? How did you find the ride and what cruse speed do you find your self running at in these conditions?

    In this tread there is a comment about the quality of stainless steel which requires frequent polishing, do you find this to be true?
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I haven't found any issues at all with any of the Hatteras hinges, glides, latches, knobs, etc etc etc. Are you an Ocean Alexander dealer by chance?

    The Ocean Alexander 65'-70' only cruises at 14 knots btw, with a fuel burn of 85 gph with the C18s.
  15. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I don't know who you are or your motivation. I do know I've been on and run a couple of new Hatteras and your statement is so far from anything I've ever seen as to make me question your everything. It's amazing that at the same time Grant Henderson showed up with his bogus ad/post we had all these other OA posts. But the hardware I've seen on the 60', 80' and 100' Hatteras, the finish, the doors, is first rate in every respect and this comes from someone who chose to buy a brand other than Hatteras. Their hardware is definitely not garbage and as to your "Kaymart" and "Apolstery" on the walls, no comment. But the nature of your post and the obvious misrepresentations make me question you just as Capt J did.
  16. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    +1 on OB's observations.
  17. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Your comments on Hatteras quality prove a lack of exposure to the product and/or an agenda. Your spelling brings your perceptions further into question.
  18. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    I was hoping to find knowledge and experience in this forum, not cranky old arm chair boaters who may have been on top of there game 40 or 50 years ago.

    I started this thread seeking educated opinions for information from boaters with significant experience for opinions on items that can only be obtained by experience vs observation.
    (I originally wrote)
    My questions are not intended to compare the two specific boats as much as to compare the following in general with each of the two builders.

    Do you have knowledge / opinions re:

    Hull shape - handling sea conditions
    Fuel tanks - molded vs alum
    Center of gravity
    Workmanship / engineering of equip and systems (not fit and finish)

    I am legitimately trying to research a few boats which I have spent a significant amount of time comparing nearly side by side. If either of you are unable to clearly and decisively see the enormous discrepancy in the fit, fin and hardware between the two boats I seriously question your experience, knowledge and or how many years its been since you last looked at the boats being discussed. One glaring example (to keep this simple for you), you don't see the difference between a Soss hinge and an inexpensive Butt hinge?!? This is not a debate on something theoretical, this is glaringly obvious to even an untrained eye. (I have provided links to help you see the difference.)

    Another very simply comparison would be a Pantograph door. One boat has hardware that looks like it could be on a Nordhaven and the other appears as if its more fitted for a day boat.

    If either of you have any valuable information or experience or knowledge to offer on my original questions, I encourage any feedback, if your looking to add your rhetoric save it for illegitimate questions.
  19. Belle

    Belle Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Confucibelle say: He who comes to forum to pick fight with owner, should have nuts as part of name.

    For the record, I've also spent time on the new Hatt's and have knowledge and opinions, but realize that's not what you're after. Sure wish I had some darts though. Grand Cayman 81 degrees and sunny.
  20. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Considering I wasn't even born 40 or 50 years ago (close) that would be a tough one. Mr. nutsforboats, I run more yachts in a year (different ones, around 100-200 per year), than you've stepped foot on in a lifetime. I do 10-15,000NM's a year, as does olderboater (about 7 different ones). I have more miles on various Hatteras than you probably have on your car, and I also have quite a few miles on OA's as well. Took one from Ft. Laud to Corpus Cristi,TX etc. So while you're still dreaming about your new yacht, we're busy burning fuel and running boats all over this hemisphere. In fact I ran a 62' Sunseeker today, also ran that one on Friday. As for your questions I've answered them, but you're not reading the answers to your questions.

    Hull Shape- the Hatteras is a planing hull and will be more stable in all seas, except really big ones where they may ride equal. The Ocean Alexander is beamy which makes up for a lot, but never gets on plane and cruise speed is 14 knots on the 68' so it just wallows around in a sea, side to side and fore and aft. (Which the cruise speed, disqualifies it for you right there.)

    Fuel Tanks- Molded fuel tanks are a forever fuel tank and Hatteras has been using them since the 1960's with very very little failure. Aluminum tanks last 15-20 years and you end up with 1000 gallons of diesel in your bilge. Then most of the time have to cut the boat apart to replace them. More and more manufacturers have gone to fiberglass tanks, and most of the top builders use them....Viking, Cabo, Hatteras, Johnson and many others to name a few.

    Center of gravity- is very good on the Hatteras. Not much worse on the Ocean Alexander considering it's beam.

    Engineering of systems- Much better on the Hatteras. Just take a look at the over complicated fuel and electrical runs on the OA. The clutter in the engine room and placement of systems in there should give you a clue.

    What does Hatteras use a Soss hinge on??? Also keep in mind you have a lot of movement and jarring, so woodwork and hinges need something to aborb the shock and be adjustable for movement, even when the boat is in different climates. Due to the nature of where the OA is built, the S/S is of lower quality and from recycled s/s usually. Welded stainless also has to be polished very often, as it tarnishes one of the metals in the stainless throughout the piece and the black keeps coming out. Systems are a mixture of mostly U.S. with some U.S. looking Asian stuff like sea strainer baskets which you can't find here. Steps and shower heads are also geared towards a person 5'8 and under. Overall the OA is a pretty well built boat, but once you get past the fuel consumption to go practically nowhere (14 knots) and are aware of the other caveats of an Asian build, it is what it is and you're comparing two different types of boats.

    If you were an expert, you wouldn't be asking elementary questions such as fuel tank material.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2015