For those interested... I took the drive down to the photograph the 50-meter "Exuma". Hope you like...
"Our Way" seems to be heading back our way again... I thought she had left for good until next season.
"Our Way" is here... came in at the marina and then left to tether off Sandy Lane and has been there eversince. The beautiful "Monaco" arrived today as well... haven't seen her here in a while but nice to see her... (Barbados registered as well ) Will try to take some photos providing she is still here later tonight. Both "Exuma" and "Argos" departed for the Grenadines days ago.
Heesen LE180 "4YOU" has made her way down to Port St. Charles Marina. If I get the time I shall go any get some photographs.
Yeah lol of course... doing too many things at once... Of course I know it is Amels. Not sure how I got Heesen there.
Superyacht "Nero" not too long arrived outside Port St. Charles Marina... I was on hand for the arrival. Photos to come later in the day once I get the time.
Nero might be a Superyacht in terms of size or length but under no circumstances a Super Yacht . Just my 2 (Euro) cents
"Nero" left Port St. Charles yesterday morning and sailed to Sandy Lane...and stayed there for the day then left in the evening when she got permission for the Port of Bridgetown. Nero not too long departed the Port and the island and is heading north for Falmouth, Antigua.
Haven't updated this thread in a while... so here is a good... taken 2 evenings ago! * Over view with L-R "She's A Lady", "GoodTimes" "Victoria Del Mar II" (ex "Happy Days"), "Our Way" * Sunset with "La Masquerade" * Closer look at "La Masquerade" offshore * "She's A Lady"
"Victoria Del Mar II" departed Port St. Charles Marina last night. So "La Masquerade" is now in at the same slip she was at.
* "Secret" (offshore Sandy Lane) * Nordhavn N52 "Dirona" (she sailed from South Africa to Port St. Charles Marina without stopping!), PJ150 "FourJacks" *Closer look at "FourJacks"