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Hatteras 70

Discussion in 'Hatteras Yacht' started by nutsforboats, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    I am researching my next dream boat. I am unsure if the boat I am seeking exists. I hear story after story about sport fish boats in the 50'-70' range that can run in a head sea at 20+ knots without the banging and slamming that seems to be the typical with a displacement hull.

    When I came accross the new Hatteras MY 70, which I find to be a strikingly good looking boat my first thought is that Hatteras builds sea worthy sport fish boats with hulls proclaimed to be solid as an army tank.

    I have heard from other boaters that the convex hull shape handles head and rough seas very well at speed BUT due to the hull shape, they are VERY wet hulls (excessive or more than excessive water and spray coming over the boat). I was told by another boater that the MY 70 hull was identical than the GT which was so wet he would not consider purchasing one.

    Any one that has experience and knoledge about the Hatteras convex hull shape and the current Hatteras reputation for quality would be greatly appreciated.

    (new to YF)
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    My first question to you is are you talking about the old 70 or the new one? The 2015 70' is a very different boat from the one in the 80's and 90's.
  3. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    I am speaking of the "new"

  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Then I'd say you're going to struggle to find people who have actually used it. It is that new. There are a couple of people here who may have moved it to a show or been around when it was moved. Traditionally your comments on Hatteras boats are on target, but as to the 70, can't say.
  5. nutsforboats

    nutsforboats New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    WP FL
    Your right on in regards to the MY70. The MY 60 and 80 have been around for a few years. Both those boats have the same hull shape (convex). And I have heard the Hatteras GT has a similar hull (although I would expect it to be a deeper V just because its a sport fish. I would hope that comments on the 60 or 80 should lend themselves to the ride / performance characteristics.

    Aside from seeking answers to the above; could anyone highly recomend a motor yacht with a semi deployment hull that that runs like a sport fish or is there no such thing?

    The reason for my quest is that I am not detered by a 6' head sea but I can not stand the banging if your trying to maintain some decent speed. As I said in the beginning of the thread, I hear of sport fish boats claiming to be able to run 20+ knots in big seas. Does a MY exist that can match the performance of a sport fish OR am I the only one looking for this (which may be the case because I often find myself the only one who leaves the dock on many of these days).
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The Hatteras 70' MY should run well in a head sea. Most of the Hatteras hulls shine in a head sea. I've heard the same sentiments with the 70' GT but just of the cockpit area being wet, not waves coming over the bow. I've also ran a new Sunseeker 73' Manhattan and it handled a head sea of 3-5's with occassional 6's quite well......26 knot cruise through it to be exact and bone dry......
  7. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I sea trialed the Hatteras 60Gt and the 63GT with former Hatteras marketing director Eric Cashion. We were offshore in 3-4 footers with an occasional 5-footer and it was NOT a wet ride. I haven't run nearly as many sportfish boats as Capt J, but the new 63Gt was the best running SF I've ever been onboard. The hull was designed by Blount & Assoc. and their expertise became self-evident.

    One of our senior writer's, Loren Schweizer wrote a review on the 60GT. Tom Serio and I were onboard and would certainly echo Loren's findings. FWIW, Loren is one of the most experienced SF writers in the industry, having worked for Dick Bertram for nearly 15 years, then as a broker specializing in SF boats for another 20 years. When I re-read his reviews, they are so spot-on...