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What's your favorite yacht?

Discussion in 'Popular Yacht Topics' started by YachtForums, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. Sean Noel

    Sean Noel New Member

    Nov 27, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Warren S87

    Everyone needs to check out the new little secret from the boys down under at Warren Yachts now in Brisbane. Dave Warren has come out with an absolute jewel in the Warren S87 which you can see at or at Bahia Mar through the month of December, and at the Miami boat show in Feb.;)
  2. kalmeran

    kalmeran Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2005
    Never thought of that ! AND....I can put my Christmas tree in that dome!
  3. JonS

    JonS Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    Very nice Sean. Although similar to the Royal Denship in looks it has one major plus over it, the fact that it has a dining table! And it is inside! :)

    Also i'm liking a few other yachts from Warren, particularly Hey Jude and Slipstream in the Custom Yachts section of the main website. The space on Hey Jude seems endless and i really like the style it is fitted out with. Very nice.
  4. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Warren's HEY JUDE really is unusual!
  5. JonS

    JonS Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    Yep, certainly is. An incredibly stylish interior and a very impressive open deck that is born for the Med! One of those sleeping beauties perhaps; no-one knows what it is but everyone wants one. i know i do :)
  6. purpleK

    purpleK New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
    Tulsa OK
    1. money no object: Enigma ex Katana
    2. reality: Fleming 65

    in between both would be Alouette.
  7. Ben

    Ben Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2005
    Melbourne Australia
    How about this yacht.....

    Attached Files:

  8. tantetruus

    tantetruus New Member

    Jul 4, 2005
    impressive, but kinda cluttered designwise; too many details for my liking and the helipad is too big which cuts into the overall shape.
  9. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Perhaps tantetruus and I are thinking along the same lines. But I'm going to say it differently. There is too much confusion between the expedition and couture yacht themes. Focusing more, in either direction, would give the design more strength.

    picky Kelly
  10. foundrycourt

    foundrycourt New Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    At my desk
    Have to agree that she looks abit cluttered.

    When I first looked, she made me think that she was a cross between Tatoosh, Floridan (before refit) and Octopus.
  11. Ben

    Ben Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2005
    Melbourne Australia
    I can see what your getting at, and I agree, she is a bit cluttered.
    I do like that she looks kind of 'sporty, explorer'.

    With reguards to the heli' pad being so big, I think that may be so it can be rated for for full use (with the addition of lights, etc), like that of Octopus. Other wise their use is limited to daylight use, and possibly smoother seas ( could be wrong on the last one).
  12. mariog

    mariog New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
    Coral Gables, Fl
    58' hatteras Yachtfish.

    still searching...:)

    Attached Files:

  13. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    In that size range I have to say that given the chance to pick anything under 60' I'd go for a Marlow Explorer 57E in a heartbeat! When Carl featured it a few months back I instantly fell in love with it. Everything about that yacht makes me want it. :D

    Even the smallest Marlow, the Prolwer 375 is amazing! :)
  14. purpleK

    purpleK New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
    Tulsa OK
    Changed my mind after seeing the homepage of this forum down at the bottom:

    Delta's Triton would be my best first choice given the money. I love the Pacific Northwest and she looks like a great choice for that area. Fishing capability and that on board video studio make it the hands down choice for me.:)
  15. daiwa

    daiwa New Member

    Jan 9, 2006

    Would be my choice if there´s no limit of costs / maintenance. Difficult to answer as they would be so many to choice for.

    Personally I would like to see Hattaras back to production of the size over 100feets as they did back to 199x. I would also prefer 3-deck solution like Benetti 115 and now they are replacing model with 120 feet. Just want to add captain desk located also on third deck as outdoor driving possibilities. Second deck with jazucci. Interiod design old-fashined wooden style, teak-decks, masterbedroom located just behind the bow. If someone has more detailed photos available, let me know of Benetti 120 feet model.

    Benetti was established in 1873 building commercial sailing ships for Mediterranean and international trade. After the second world war the yard changed to building private yachts and quickly established a reputation as one of the foremost builders of large yachts. Together with their sister company Azimut in Turin they are now the biggest yacht builder in the world.


    There´s a good shots of Benetti 115, for my opinion galley and master bedroom are just about a bit too small, but it´s very compact size and does not require too many cruew. If someone has any better technical details of Benetti 120 / photo shots - I would be appreciated to share those, the 120 is on the way, but haven´t see it yet at showboats international magazine.

    Back to realistic matters I would not prefer to cruise with huge number of people and to choice a yacth, the first one of it´s size which makes difference between boat and yacth my choice would be Hatteras-80>>>

    It´s the first and maximum size you can handle just with your wife/girlfriend without any necessary cruew members, and most importantly it´s semi-customized, offering a tons of yachting matters and room for your quests and customers inclusing wetbars on the (optional) maindeck and upper deck (there´s no excuse for cold drink´s).

    I also like the point there´s view between galley and dining as good cooking and eating is part of the cruising. The only thing I am missing is the master bedroom located on the bottom of the boat, but that´s the price you have to pay when size is limited I suppose. You can drive the boat via outside also via the second deck, there´s good room for watertoys, perhaps a bit too small jazucci. Another thing I like is that this boat can reach allmost any harbours or islands, you can park it just to swallow water of 1.62 meters deep, for some people this could be very important factor.


    More (interested) detailed interior photos are available as following >

    http://www.******************/pdf/Hatteras 80 Yachts Int'l March 04.pdf


    http://www.******************/pdf/80MY-Boat Internation90A26S.pdf

    http://www.******************/pdf/Hatteras 80 Yachts Int'l March 04.pdf

    http://www.******************/pdf/80MY-PMY Feb 04.pdf

    Hatteras 92 and 100

    The next size is I do like 100 feet from Hatteras which I also like, even it differences a lot if compared to 80 feet. With size like this you can avoid all compact sizizing matters like you have with 80 feet, very good documentation available via here (this is best shot I had found of Hatteras 100)>>>

    There´s plenty of both of these available via secondhand market / yacthing brokereage firms as models has been on production on some time, specially 92-100 feets. New pricing for 80 feet as a new starts from 4,2 $ million, with decent package estimate would be 5.2 - 5.6 million.

    This is not a commercial of Hatteras Yachts, but I like old-fashioned wooden styling with very standard design, l am as old fasihioned boat styling, also prefer many 70´s yachts look´s alike, gives decent taste of history as you have opposite ultra modern lines&styling, they just need a serious work to repair and decorations, but real difference comes when speaking about cruising speed. I suppose back to seventees hull lines and you have to be ready to slow a bit your schedule to arrive a destination harbour - if your allready retired, then it´s perhaps not an issue.

    Any recommedation of 3-decks yachts between 115-130 feets would be more than wellcome, complete new or from brokereage as past models, even this solution is not for yet, because of seasoning cruising only and surely financing/maintenance reasons.

    Spring&BoatShows are coming, I suppose, we will have plenty new models and design coming up to shake yacthingmarket / choice and put your name to the orderbook. WorldWide Yachting Salesnumbers are up 238 % for this year.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2006
  16. tartanski

    tartanski Member

    Nov 5, 2004
    Hamburg, Dunnon, Buzios
    my favourites

    For me all time favourite is the Ex Oceanco, Kremlin Princess, now Little Sis, she was not perfect but had the great banneberg signature styling, and interior.

    I, like many others just have have to add the Wally Power 118, just for moving forward our perception of what a yacht can be and in fact for being pretty close to the original definition of a yacht. --high speed etc...

    Other significant yacht for me..

    Carinthia 6
    and SKAT.

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  17. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    I agree with you on Oceana as the build name was on this Oceanfast. If they had been able to make the glass tunnel through the engine room, so the crew could get through easier, she would be close to a perfect yacht. A slippery Phil Curran hull, almost like a sailing boat, and with all guests on main deck with only crew areas below. The nice interior decoration was more of an Oceanfast design since JB didn´t visit the yard during construction. At least this I was told by a guy from the yard. But the exterior and GA is from the master and is one of his absolutely best contemporary designs.

    About Carinthia, you said VI and showed VII, I like VI better.... ;)
  18. tartanski

    tartanski Member

    Nov 5, 2004
    Hamburg, Dunnon, Buzios

    Very interesting to know a little more about ex Oceana, I only know what was written in the Boat International Article. Any chance you have a scan of the GA from that as Id like to understand the crew tunnel concept in more detail. As for Carinthia, I liked them both very much, but the older of the two is the real classic.
  19. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    I actually have the original brochure of her somewhere, but the GA you can find here;

    The idea of having this "tunnel" was to connect the crew quarters with the crew mess, a little noisy to go through the engine room to have breakfast..!
  20. Mov-it!

    Mov-it! New Member

    Nov 8, 2005
    Katwijk Netherlands
    Probably the hardest question.

    Since I have the oppinion that yachts over a 120 feet are loosing all sence of good taste, I might have a somewhat alternative list.

    If money were no object I would go for:

    Motor yacht: Pantera 76 GT
    Sailing Yacht: Vitters Gimlä

    If money was less of an object:
    Motor yacht: Mulder 59 Convertible (Sunrise)
    Sailing yacht: Nordia 100 (Psyrax)