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Sailing in Thailand

Discussion in 'General Sailing Discussion' started by MDB, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. MDB

    MDB Guest


    I will very soon be getting my pension and want to fulfil a long held dream of buying a small sailing boat. The boat I fancy is a McGregor 26 or as they are now known a Tattoo 26. These are small, trailable, water-ballasted boats. Does anybody have any advice or recommendations for sailing this craft in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman coast? Is it safe? Is this boat big enough to tackle these waters?
  2. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
    Hi and welcome aboard Yachtforums,

    Use the search feature to find posts by Maxpower, he boats in that region and has posted many images and details about his trips around those waters, same goes to Brian_eiland, his posts more about sailing and also many related to those waters. If you find anything interesting, either reply to that post or contact them directly, I'm sure they will help you.

    Enjoy your stay around. :)

  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    My experience with McGregors was on I believe a 23. It was a fairly light and fast boat with a swing keel for shoals. It was a fun day sailer, but a bit spartan for spending a lot of time on. It's also the boat on which I busted my hand but good when I was lowing the keel and the winch handle slipped. My quick reflexes caused me to try to grab it. That 300 lb keel spinning the winch handle must have beat my hand 50 times before I got smart enough to pull my hand away. So make sure your winch has a safety on it and can't free-fall.
  4. tristanrowe

    tristanrowe Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Falmouth, Cornwall
    I used to sell the 26m for a few years, they are fit for purpose which is very basic sailing and (with the right engine) around 20mph motoring. As one would expect they are a compromise, but have many happy owners. In basic form they are pretty well thought out and functional, however do be aware that many owners modify them with more elaborate systems and deck gear.
    If day sailing / weekend jaunts in sheltered waters are your thing then you should certainly consider one.
    Also as a note, my experience of operating them is limited to the Carrick Roads and Falmouth Bay in Cornwall, which is a sheltered and straightforward environment. I have no idea of conditions in your cruising grounds.
  5. Davethewave

    Davethewave New Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    That region has some big seas you need a better boat than that. Thailand will not be a good place to keep the boat. Malaysia across the border is where people keep their boats, then cruse over to Phuket for the season.
  6. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    Must have missed seeing this subject thread.
    Did you realize your dream, or are you still prepping?

    I might suggest you look thru the used market over there as there are always folks picking up and leaving after several years,...just changing locations.