The most recent I believe I have dealt with was a 2005. I would have to think about that one a bit if I've dealt with any newer ones other than very briefly (run them for a day tops). I have managed/ran/maintained a 2000 70' seajet, 2005 50' flybridge, 1998 58' full I put almost 10k NM's on this one in a little over a year about 2 years ago, and 2 2001 68' at the same time and they were completely different in regards to wiring LOLOLOL
I'm considering importing a 2010 Azimut 47 from Europe. Price is attractive relative to the U.S. used market, although European electrical is an issue. I understand that European boats after 2008 mostly have 50/60 Hz appliances but generators are 50 Hz. Even after dealing with the electrical issues, and transport costs, the boat still seems like a good price. Did you also have problems with the C-9 engines? Other than the many issues in your video, are there other items I should pay close attention to in the boat survey? Thanks
Check the legal side of buying a boat in Europe. Especially if it is in the Mediterranean. Things are not as cut and dried in some countries as they are in the US. Check out the broker very carefully. The generator is no real issue to change over. Wiring may be an issue. Check that the electrical wire used and approved in Europe is allowed in the US. I know that US wiring is approved for Australia and Europe, but may not be the other way. Was the boat in Charter in Europe? Why an Azimut? If all the posts regarding this brand has not alerted you to future problems, then I hope the boat has a truly LOW price. You will have big issues with re-sale (not only because of the brand, but the origins) even if the purchase price seems good now. Surveys: Check on the Forums for recommendations on what sort of surveys you should get, there are good posts regarding this.
Thanks for that advice. I am concerned about resale of a boat made with European electrical, although Azimuts in general, do sell readily as indicated in the boats sold reports I get from my broker. I assume this is because of the brand recognition. We own an Azimut 39 and have had very little trouble that one could relate to the Azimut brand. Most is routine maintenance. Have you had continuing problems with the 47 beyond the initial ones you noted in the video? We are also looking at a Fairline Phantom 48. I'm wondering if there are known problems with that brand. Thanks
Usually most all generators are 50/60 cycles and the only difference is changing the RPM from 1500RPMS (50 cycle) to 1800 rpms (60 cycle). Check with the generators dealer if this is all you need to do.
I'm the one seriously considering purchasing a 2010 Az 47 from Italy. What was your experience with the Az 47 beyond the break in period noted in the video? Did it develop other problems? Any engine problems? What's your view of its ride and sea worthiness? Thanks
Hi Potomac. I think most issues were covered in the video. On the engines they ran ok after the repairs but access to the engines will always be a problem as the Salon has to be deconstructed to access some components.
I recently brought a 47 built in the year of 2007. The previous owner cannot retrieve the Owner's Manual. Azimut did not response to my enquiry for an electronic copy or a printed copy. I wonder how I can find a copy of the manual.
Try sending an e-mail in early September again. Or else try it from your dealer in Honk Kong. I asked for an Azimut manual five times and I always got sent a copy, once for a boat built (35 model) in the eighties. OTOH last year I sold a Pershing 43 to a client and the boat had the Italian manual, when I asked for Pershing for the English manual they quoted me 2783 euros for one.
Hi W, how many pages was it? Pretty sure I could translate it for less than that! Not to mention that I would guarantee it to be understandable. Which is more than can be said of some EN labels that I've seen on some other Ferrettis....
I am expecting a 100+ pages of specification of instruments with the full list of plumbing, wiring & electrical system. It sounds like I am going to be very disappointed.
Being a 7 year owner of a 2006 Azimut 43 flybridge, I would be very interested to see the video mentioned previously, but have been able to find in using "AZIMUT MARINEMAX An owners new boat experience. c2014" or variations of the words. Any help, please? (Thanks Capt J for your input on my other post).