I am considering a 2008 or later Azimut 47 or a 2006 or later Azimut 50. Does anyone have experience on the pros and cons of either of these yachts? Thanks
I don't have any experience with the 47. I did manage a 2005 50' Azimut with CATS. It was a pretty good running boat in a sea and rode comfortably. The layout was fairly good as well. Both suffer from the typical Azimut issues. The 50' has a better layout than the 55' at the time.
There is a fairly recent YouTube video from a Azimut 47 owner. It is an absolutely brutal indictment of Azimut's QC and after-purchase care. I'm not sure how to link the vid itself, but if you go to YouTube and search "AZIMUT MARINEMAX An owners new boat experience. c2014", you'll easily find it. Sure, it's just one owner's experience, and maybe it's a very out-of-character experience, but it's worth a look for due diligence, if nothing else.
Marinemax has never been known for their support at the sale or after the sale IMO. LOLOLOLOL. I just watched the video and am laughing so hard, because ALL of the stuff in the video is typical Azimut issues that I've been dealing with for the last 15 years, and they haven't figured out nor solved any of them.
Thanks for posting this video "AZIMUT MARINEMAX" IMHO, do not buy an AZIMUT. Period! Imagine the issues you will have in the years to come? If you watch the You Tube video, the gentleman states "great design" many times, yet that is about the only positive about these boats. I have owned a UNIESSE, bought brand new. This brand is considered to be one of the best quality Italian boats available. I found this to be true. Quality and performance. Yet manufacturers back-up was non existent! When I discovered issues with fuel pouring overboard when getting on the plane, I found the fuel hoses had been badly plumbed and had to design and make good my own solution. The factory and dealer did not give a hoot. If a new Azimut has leaking from the ceiling due to simple Quality Control issues, drainage hoses going uphill, radio not wired correctly, portholes leaking etc, what is there to be discovered in the future? Why torture yourself? Boating is full of enough surprises and challenges without incompetent QC and engineering design.
Survey survey survey. Yes typing that three times was intentional because I think the quality of survey on an Azimut is triply critical. This applies new or used in my opinion. On used, have the typical issues arisen? Have they been corrected?
I just got finished watching the video...I walked away from Azimut many years ago, when Bertram represented them in Miami, (yes that long ago) it seems that they are the Italian version some of our POS builders.
Well, all of the boats are built by Azimut, but then all of the electrical and all of the interior is sub-contracted out. One company does the electrical on boat 13, a different company on 14, a different one on 15......no two are wired the same. Same goes with the interior. That's part of the problem, the other part is they never strive to improve. They keep making the same mistakes over and over again and quality.
Design a striking looking boat. Add beautiful furnishings and employ charming sales people. Then rely on European or Italian pizzaz and airs. Price the product at a premium and Voila, the mugs pull out their cheque books One thing about that video which the guy was clear about: there is no lemon law in boating or recalls.
Thanks for the helpful responses. After watching the excellent Azimut 47 video about Azimut quality issues, I'm wondering if a Fairline Phantom 48 or 50 is the better choice. Unfortunalty, there are few used ones from the 06-08 period to choose from. What I don't get is why Azimut would not have fixed the problems in their 2011 47 model, 4 years after that model came on the market.
They've been having the same issues over and over again since the 1990's!!! Look at Sunseekers, while they have a few quirks they have gotten better over the years. BUT, they're an exceptional riding and running yacht.
Look at Alfa Romeo. Ferrari, Maserati. Driving one is sheer joy. The sound, handling, acceleration, style, no need to go on. They are a passion that will usually end in tears unless you have extreme patience and deep pockets. So shrug your shoulders, pour a glass of good red, and accept these things for what they are. Just have the right expectations. I have friends who have married the same kind of people, LOL, they should have known what they were getting into!
That's funny stuff Kafue! I especially liked your friends who married the same kind of people. Although if I came across a woman who up front told me she had 4 different types of STD's , it's a sure bet I'd wait for another ship to come along. Just knowing inherent problems before hand will save time, money, and aggravation.
I think he's only talking about women that takes lots of money......none with 4 std's.....usually those you get for free.
Sorry Capt J, I didn't make myself clear. Knowing all the things that are done wrong on Azimut's historically would steer me off of a purchase of that Brand. I had a meeting with four people years ago, who worked at a yard that I was considering. They told me in no uncertain terms, to not wasted my money buying one of their boats. That was all I needed. It's nice to have friends in the industry....kind of like being a member of YF.
I'm curious if the 80-100' bats are perceived of the same quality? Or do these get a different level of attention?
Holly crow. I was looking at the 55s but this conversation scares me. Have the newer models gotten any better?
Double Whammy CaptJ mentioned it above. Azimut and Marinemax. The former known for Quality Control issues and the latter not known for good service. Some of that may or may not be because yachts have historically not been the volume of their business. You toss outboards, stern drives, and inboards...on Whalers, Sea Ray runabouts, Pontoon boats, and Azimut and the results aren't surprising. Azimut is not their core business. And if you look at Florida, there are 6 service centers for Azimut. 5 are Marinemax. Frankly, I'd take mine to the other one, Rolly. They are use to larger boats, use to diesel powered yachts. They area a service center for Azimut, Benetti, Lazzara, all the Ferretti Brands (Ferretti, Riva, Pershing, Mochi, Custom Line, CRN), and Westport. Now this doesn't change Azimut's problems, but it may keep them from multiplying so radically.
I looked at Azimut's way back when they first came to America, so long ago that Richard Bertram located on the Miami River was the U.S. Distributor. I went to go look at the 100 Jumbo. It was a very nice, well appointed boat. Then we got down to business. The Engine room was centerline with crews quarters on either side of the ER. As I was standing on the dock admiring her lines, the next question and answer made me walk away. I asked "So if you need to pull an engine, how do you get it out?" Oh that's easy replied my salesman "You just cut a huge hole in the side of the boat and pull it right out. This was a cored hull, and Structural and Water integrity would be compromised and could never be 100% restored. I shook the man's hand, thanked him for his time and never ever even stepped aboard an Azi-Mutt since. The video just reinforces my opinion, this is a Company who will never try to get it right. They will always cut corners when and where they can. To quote P.T. Barnum..."There's a sucker born every minute."
Hi, I'm the owner of the 47 in the Video. If you want to talk further about my experience I'm available.