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Garmin 7215 failures

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Ksgboater, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Ksgboater

    Ksgboater New Member

    Jun 26, 2014
    Jersey city
    I have two Garmin 7215 chartplotters purchased new a little over two years ago. One has been replaced three times and the other two times. One failed again yesterday. Each time Garmin under their warranty replaces the unit within two weeks. The failures are always the same. The unit crashes on boot up. Garmin after repeatedly asking can't give me a reason for the failures. While I am happy they do provide a replacement unit, the reliability gives me many concerns. Do any members have any similar experiences with the Garmin 7200 series?
  2. Ksgboater

    Ksgboater New Member

    Jun 26, 2014
    Jersey city
    As an update
    Just received a call from Garmin. They said they booted the unit up three times and it worked fine. I asked what other tests were done and he said none. He said it must be the power supply. I informed him that several months ago when a failure occurred the Garmin factory rep came to my boat. He first tested the power, found it fine and had the same crashing issue He replaced the unit with one he had. I further told him my captain had tested the power supply before sending the recent one back
    He indicated he was returning the unit to me. I then told him that constant failures were not acceptable and in fact highly dangerous. His answer was to say that when the unit starts up I must agree not to rely upon it and thus they are not responsible. I probably have no choice but to replace the units.
  3. TeKeela

    TeKeela Member

    May 1, 2012
    NC & Puerto Rico
    While all these places like raymarine, garmin, etc have made huge moves into marine in the last decade with OEMs, I have never had issues with Furuno. It costs more, has a few less features, but always seems to run.
  4. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    When the Garmins are running, they should have a read out on the voltage they are receiving. If not, then go to "preferences" and make sure that the voltage is displayed. While running the boat, keep an eye on the voltage shown on the displays. Then ask your passenger/wife/captain to start using other items using the same voltage and see if the voltage drops significantly on the displays.
    If it wont boot up, try another source of 12 volt or 24 volt, whichever you are using.
    I bet it is a voltage problem.
    How old are the batteries you are using?
    Same question about the charger.
    Maybe whilst underway the units are being powered with sufficient voltage not to fail. However at first start up there maybe an issue with the batteries.
    For repeated failures on 2 different units says to me it's not the units.

    I had a similar issue with my Garmins, but at a dangerous time. Maiden voyage from arrival port to home. Whilst underway the autopilot was chewing up more power than was being returned to the batteries and after a while both units shut down. This happened continuously while on a long coastal trip from Newcastle to the Gold Coast. Not a good time to loose charts etc. Had to run the entire 400 naut mile trip without autopilot and often without the chartplotter. Good in one way because I got to use paper charts again!
    As soon as I got home, I bought a 12 volt alternator, attached to Port engine and it keeps the batteries very well charged. Never had an issue since.
    Hope this helps.
  5. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I had the same issue with the same unit. It turned out to be a small short in the power wiring.
  6. Ksgboater

    Ksgboater New Member

    Jun 26, 2014
    Jersey city
    Kafue thanks for help. Boat and batteries just turned two years old. I did have electrician check voltage, but you have some good advice and I will perform the tests.

    My prior boat had Furunos. They worked great but not very user friendly. I believe the new touch screens are. Hopefully, I will find an electrical issue and not have to replace the units. I appreciate the help.