just announced: Bermuda edged out San Diego to host the 35th America s cup in June 2017! Earlier this year, organizers had announced that San Francisco was out in part due to union demands.
Going to be a lot of upset people in San Diego. Quite a few happy ones too though. Ellison's demands were quite steep. It all comes down to finances and who will give them the best financial deal. Bermuda was more willing and on the other side, it might well benefit Bermuda more than it would San Francisco or San Diego. Like most sports events, it is all about the money.
Looks like for the unions it is also all about the money. Next time lets hope they are more reasonable.
I don't want to hijack this thread, so this will be the last. All politicians pander, that's a given. My complaint is that our politicians in either SF or SD didn't pander enough to keep the AC in the US. Union leaders work for jobs for union members. Good ole Americans with families and mortgages spending their paychecks in the US economy. Do they sometimes go too far, perhaps, but I make no excuses in standing up for unions and American jobs.
J Class Association slated to have regatta at AC finals in Bermuda 2017. This is going to be fantastic. http://www.americascup.com/en/news/...o-Americas-Cup-waters-after-eighty-years.html
I can't remember where I read it... but I'm sure I saw something somewhere about a megayacht regatta in Bermuda as part of AC35 as well. But those J-Class yachts though... oh, if the site of those doesn't stir your soul, I don't know what would!