Edward, Sorry only pictures I have of the hull and pods are attached to the purchase survey and those of off limits. Top Secret stuff. Call manufacturers who are scheduled at boat shows, find some who will show indoors and you can see the magic all day long. I would try to find Volvo IPS and Cummins Zeus. I am new to "twin screw" driving. I came from "prop walk" sailboat driving and single outdrive and outboard driving. I have never driven a tractor or tank either. So far I am using the digital throttle driving around the marina and using the joy stick to slip in and out. I do like driving by throttle it is quite empowering to move a 40K lbs boat around by bumping into and out of forward and reverse. I am learning in safe areas with less current and when the windage is not too much of a factor. I am working toward no joy stick and throttle only slipping. I am not too sure how this will progress as there is not a bow thruster to tweek, so I will take it easy and keep practicing. Cheers, Greg
We manage a 48 Meridian. Zeus pods. I dove the boat once this summer. I truly believe the skegs and wheel bottoms are below the V. Our usual diver has already replace damaged wheels and a skeg (serviceable) damaged by river debris. IPS wheels would have been clobbered. Huckins just delivered a new SF. The Zeus pods make half of the after draft. Mains are jack-shafted mid ship. A Taria was on the hill a couple of months ago. IPS pods stuck out like a sore thumb., way out there. No, there not 70 footers, but a larger market count than the biggies.
No, but real drivers can have lots of fun whipping them through their paces....hehehe One reason I like running them for manufacturers is because I am asked to run them through their paces and to their limits, which I would never do with an owners boat.
Didn't try to say I was a real driver yet, just using the training wheels and working my way there. Beats bashing into things. Zeus joy stick is variable, not sure of IPS. In other words, when one twists the joy stick a little bit, the boat twists a little. Fully twist the stick, the boat twists with more. You see it is not just as simple as a joy stick, you have to use the right amount of stick. BTW, I have seen at least two joy stick drivers still get all bumfuzzled and discombobulated and make a mess of their swim platforms. Whiskey Throttle happens no matter the throttle.
One thing the pod boats tend to do is move around a little bit in the slip without any throttle movement if they have underwater exhaust. The ips joystick is variable throttle/speed also as is the ZF.
Underwater exhaust on the zeus does not kick in untill in gear, at idle exhaust is mufflered out through hull. I can't say why, as my VP outdrive ony bowrider is always exhausted through the drive.
Not all Zues have through hull exhaust (above the waterline), it was an option that the builder chose to install or not install. Most IPS exhaust through the drive. I think they did come with a thru-hull exhaust (above the waterline). Anyways the wash the pods create and the exhaust flowing up the size of the hull, cause them to float around in a slip once you are pulled in, or before you pull out a bit more than with shafts.