I'm looking at a 74 Viking Enclosed Bridge up in Michigan, it's an 05 model, with MTU V16-2000's with 964 hours. Hydraulic bow thruster, and windlass. A 2,000 lb. davit, which would lift a 16 ft. flats boat. It has a very extensive Electronics suite, and a lot of other goodies. It's listed at 2.2, but was told by the listing broker, 2 even would buy it. I was going to offer 400 less than that. The only problem is that the Owners cannibalized one of the staterooms to make a huge Owners suite. Which makes it a three stateroom boat. In three years, when it's time to sell it...I have a feeling that I'd get hosed. How many people other than me would like a three stateroom 74 footer? I really would like some feedback on this. I'm really torn about this one. I'm going to consult with my buddy who knows Viking's up down, and sideways. But I'd still like everyone's thoughts here. Thanks.
A lot of people wouldn't mind. However, you could put the 4th stateroom back for probably $30k, which is no big deal considering the price of the vessel. However the $600k less than asking, and it might just not take the cake......
No, I'm guessing it's winterized every year in climate controlled storage, because getting it south for the winter would require going the looooong way through the St. lawrence seaway. 100hrs a year average would be ok IMO.
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I am assuming it is now a three stateroom plus crew, not a bad layout. Did the owner have it custom built at Viking or after market, again I am assuming she had the port guest cabin and head added into the master ?. Was all the plumbing removed for the port guest head or just capped off. I have seen various sized master cabins on the 74's and if clean, well maintained with low hours you will be at the end of the line trying to buy it for 1.6M, try 1.85M but expect to pay close to 2M. A few 65's were built with a lounge area in the master that did away with the crews cabin and have been resold on the used market.
I assume this Viking is Wild Wind if so it can do the Erie Canal. I made a trip on her out the Seaway to Hal[fax in 2006 and she came back up the Erie Canal. I was also on her when she was new in 2005 when she came from the factory up the Welland Canal, and she came up the Erie canal that time.
I spoke with my Viking "guy" today, and he told me they have already turned down 1.85 from two different buyers, but he personally has sold three 74's in the last few months between 1.9 & 2.2 so, that's the going "take home" price. I asked him why there were so many on the market, and was told it's an older hull design and a little wet, but with an enclosed bridge, it's not a big deal. He also told me that restoring the stateroom that was cannibalized, would run at least a hundred grand. I was going to put at least that much into upgrades, probably a little more, so I'm going to back away. Seems like the Owner is stuck on the 2 mill. number. Oh well, boats are like street cars...they'll be another one along in a few minutes. Patience is truly a virtue.
Yep, she's the Wild Wind...even at the asking price it's a lot of boat for that kind of money...the wall paper in the Master is a little too fru-fru for me...but that's a cheap fix. I really do like the boat...primarily due to the 2,000 lb. davit...I was looking to put a 16 or 18 ft. Egret flats boat up on the bow with the carbon fiber hull. (Sigh) Oh well, if she's still around in the Spring...I might just have to suck it up, and take her.
Hi Yachtjocky, I don't know about the plumbing deal...I'm guessing it was installed for "just in case". From what I understand this was their third or fourth build with Viking, they were waiting for a hundred footer, maybe the 92, but alas the Spouse passed away, so those plans are gone. I have the build sheet on the boat...I'll go back over it and see if I can find some information on the stateroom. From the photo's on the listing, it looks like an extended dressing area, with additional closet space.
The 74 Viking "Wild Wind" is in my possession at our storage facility here in Grand Haven, MI. I can answer any and all questions concerning the boat. I have run her thousands of miles... No expense has been spared on her.
This is the third Viking these customers built to their specification at Viking. Nothing has been modified since she was built. She has 3 staterooms. She must be seen in person to appreciate all of the thought that went into her design.
1000 hour service completed as well. My local MTU mechanic is a friend and has worked on the boat since day 1. There is not a fault or leak of any kind to be found in the engine room. Top speed at last sea trial was 35 Knots with 2/3 of her 3000 gallons of fuel on board. The 65 enclosed bridge we have for sale is her previous boat and it is spectacular as well. all can be seen at LINK REMOVED
Captain tony, the question on post #11 was if the plumbing for the cannibalized stateroom was left in place and capped or would restoring the fourth stateroom require new wiring and plumbing? My Viking guy told me I'd be looking at 100 grand plus to restore that stateroom. For a live aboard, I would enjoy a larger Master, but when it came time to sell the boat again, I'm not sure that the new owner wouldn't want to have the fourth stateroom.