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60-65 Sport Fish

Discussion in 'General Sportfish Discussion' started by Captmako, Oct 21, 2014.


Which SF Boat

Poll closed Nov 5, 2014.
  1. Viking 61 or 65

  2. Hatteras 60 or 65

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Captmako

    Captmako New Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    Jeddah, RED SEA
    Dear SF Experts

    I am looking for an advise on the prons and cons of the following sportfishing boats:

    All from 2000 to 2005 year model

    60 feet range:
    60 Hatteras vs. 61 Viking

    65 feet Range
    65 Hatteras vs. 65 Viking

    Comparison Points
    1) sea worthy
    2) dry ride, the ride
    3) fishability
    4) range
    5) best engine package
    6) livability and comfort.
    7) Enclosed bridge or not?

    this boat will be used for long range runs to discover new fishing ground in areas with no boating infrastructure

    Thanks in advance

    Best Regards
    Capt. Ahmed F. Shaker
  2. NEO56

    NEO56 Member

    May 2, 2014
    You're asking a very difficult question...most answers you're going to get is subjective at best. It's kind of like asking who makes the best pickup....Ford or Chevy? What feels good to me in the seat of the pants handling, might seem skittish to others....blah, blah, blah...Viking get's my vote. And your number 6 & 7 question is personal preference. Enclosed bridge works best for me...Climate controlled, extra living/entertainment space, and there's an aft steering station to watch the lures while trolling or backing down.
  3. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Both manufacturers are good boats and well built. You cannot go wrong with either. It depends on the type of seas you encounter. Vikings will be more stable with seas on the beam, trolling, and from the stern.....but the Hatteras is a sure winner in a head sea.
  4. PtJudeRI

    PtJudeRI Senior Member

    Dec 1, 2010
    Pt. Judith, RI
    For the Hatteras, I would be looking at the GT models if they fall in your price range. Better boats all around. For the vikings, no experience there, but for the $$$, are you not considering any customs as well? That size range certainly has some viable options if you are looking for a tournament boat, but will lack if you are looking for a sportfish to do cruising duty.