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1967 Hatteras toilet problem...Help

Discussion in 'Hatteras Yacht' started by stacysmom1970, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. stacysmom1970

    stacysmom1970 New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
    Port of Kimberling, Kimberling city, MO.
    :(Just bought a 1967 41 ft. Hatteras twin cabin with 2 bathrooms. It is in amazing shape for its age and most everything seems to be working. However, both toilets are backing up and overflowing and we have checked everything we can find to fix it. Even with the water shut off they back up and make a huge mess. I just had it pumped out last week and have only used the toilet a few times. Can someone please, please help me?? I have tried finding the manufacturer on both and cannot find one, but was told they were updated at some point.
    Thank you to anyone who can help me in advance
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Galley Maid was the usual vender for head equipment on da ole Hatts. It sounds more like operator malfunction though. Are all the discharge valves opening into the correct position? There could be a few...
    These ole Galley Maid units do wear and sometimes do need service. The troubleshooting path may need more explanation of what is going on.
    Please submit data of the head system and explain the position of all discharge valves or sea-cocks. With water shut off? Sea or ships?? They could be configured to use ships potable water on top of usual raw water (sea) to rinse the bowel.
  3. stacysmom1970

    stacysmom1970 New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
    Port of Kimberling, Kimberling city, MO.
    Totally confused now

    Ok, slow down for me and forgive me for asking stupid questions. We are new to this whole thing, the biggest boat I have ever been on was a pontoon boat until We fell in love with this one. We know basic plumbing but have never worked on anything like this. Please explain to me where all of these things are, if you don't mind. I have gone to the marine places here on Tablerock lake but they explain very little and want to sell me the whole store. Thank you again for responding and please forgive my questions.
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Not being familiar with the Galley Maid heads I went through 2 fairly expensive repairs before I figured out that YOU MUST KEEP PUMPING FOR 5 SECONDS AFTER ALL SOLIDS HAVE LEFT THE BOWL so they'll clear through the pump. I now have a clear sign saying such at each head, and impress it on all guests (especially the ladies). They're great heads, but this is a must. If you stop pumping while any solids are still on the receiving end.....well, I guess you know.

    For starters you've got a fairly disgusting job ahead of you. Pull the hose off the receiving end of the pump and clean it out. Then clear and test the pump. Hopefully that'll do it. If the pump is damaged however they're expensive to repair or replace. We keep a spare, and our 32v water pump can be taken as a replacement. If you need a new pump I'd recommend contacting Sam's Marine
  5. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    It's so possible to suggest anything without knowing what you have.
    Most older hatts, up to the 90s, came with galley maid heads. Now you say the heads have been updated so we don't know what you have.

    If you have galley maids, there will not be any pumps at the base of the bowl. If you follow the hose. Owning from the bowl you will find somewhere in the bilge a beefy looking electric motor with a pump assembly at each end. It will be marked Galleymaid or Raz marine which is a builder of these pump. One end pumps water in from the seacock, the other pumps bowl content to the holding tank.

    Is this what you have. In doubt take a couple of pictures and post them so we can ID what you have.

    Note that a faulty common issue on older hatts is that the dip tube going down in the holding tank was metal and woudl eventually corrode leading to being unable to pump out the whole tank.

    The good news is that those galley maids, if that s whathis you have are real heavy duty pumps.

    When you press th flush switchk do you hear the pump run?
  6. NEO56

    NEO56 Member

    May 2, 2014
    Hi Pamela, I must say you have a great deal of intestinal fortitude to make a quantum leap from a pontoon boat to a 41 Hatteras, and a '67 to boot! You dear Lady have fallen into (IMO) THE best source of knowledge on anything to do with boats/marine. I'd like to be able to offer some helpful advice to your "head" problem, but when that boat was built...I was only 10!:D Anyway welcome to YF and good luck getting your problem fixed.
  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    We're on a 56, but our forward pump is on the ledge under the floor in thst stateroom, the VIP is under the floor panel in the front of the stbd engineroom
    and above the floor in the back outboard side of the stbd engine room for the master. pump.jpg
  8. stacysmom1970

    stacysmom1970 New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
    Port of Kimberling, Kimberling city, MO.
    Thank you but still need help

    Ok, I found out it is a Crown Head made by Raritan engineering company. We have been in the engine compartment and can only find big black rubber sewer hose connected the holding tank. We cannot find any valves anywhere on the hoses or near the holding tank. Yes when we flush there is a pump running, the stateroom head works but it is a different one than the one by the kitchen area that is giving us trouble.
  9. franzmerenda

    franzmerenda Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2009
    La Spezia, Italy Crown Head CD Series Manual.pdf

    Attached Files:

  10. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA

    It might not actually be a head problem.

    You may (probably) have a discharge hose leading from the holding tank to an underwater thru-hull. These are used to pump waste overboard, where legal (i.e., outside the 3NM limit), instead of going to a pump-out station.

    Often these discharges are controlled by a seacock or ball valve. Often not necessarily near the holding tank itself. If the valve is left open (or has malfunctioneds), it's possible for sea water to back flow into the holding tank, and eventually back into the heads (bowls).

    A useful early step would be to locate the valve(s) and confirm they're closed and haven't failed. If open, close the valve(s), pump out again, and you're probably back in business. If failed... well... cross that bridge if necessary.

    If not these, that at least would help for folks who may know more about the Raritan Crown heads and likely plumbing in your installation.

  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    If properly installed the underwater overboard discharge should rise above waterline and have a vented loop. Easy to check. If you don't have that close the sea cock, which I btw should be closed and handle removed or tied to comply with USCG regs. In case oyou are boarded, they will check it.

    Not familiar with the crown but they re pretty simple and you can find the manual on line. Chances are they have duckbill / joker valve and that's probably waht the problem is
  12. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Crown head, simple fix. You will need a shallow tray, shop vac, Medium flat blade screwdriver.

    #1 dip or shop vac all you can get out of the bowl.

    Look into the manuals from the previous post, the parts breakdown, top left of the page is a cover labeled CH18.

    #2 slide your shallow tray just under this cover, have shop vac ready.

    #3 remove the 6 screws holding the cover in place. Don't worry, the cover is not going to drop,,, yet.

    #4 with your screwdriver, gently pry, lil at a time, moving around the cover and not overdoing it in any one place, the cover should pop off, dumping some stuff in your tray and ready to shop vac up.

    #4 Shop vac out the inside if the pump area.

    #5 clean the cover, O ring and mating surface. Reassemble and you're good to go.

    I had a hard time convincing my (much younger then) step son not to use a whole roll of paper when doing his thing. He finally figured it out after he had to clear it out himself a couple of times. Stay away from the heavy padded paper also. The wife and I found Charmin Basic to keep her and my plumbing happy.

    You could still have a problem on the exit hose but I believe that here is the best place to start.
  13. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
  14. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Image reduced. Franz, please keep pics under 640 pixels. Thanks!
  15. stacysmom1970

    stacysmom1970 New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
    Port of Kimberling, Kimberling city, MO.
    Thank you

    Thank you to everyone who replied to my post and helped with all my questions. You were all a very big help and we got the problem fixed, it was the valve on top of the tank that was plugged. Hope y'all have a great day.
  16. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Valve on top of the tank? Or Y (diverter) valve?
    Glad you got it going. We all help and support when we can. When something else is involved, we still are interested and want to learn. Can you explain what valve so we can all learn, understand and respond smarter next time.. Pictures help also.

  17. franzmerenda

    franzmerenda Senior Member

    Mar 3, 2009
    La Spezia, Italy
    Sorry for that.
    Sometime uploading for me is like for a triangle performer playing a drum:D
  18. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA

    Valve on top of the tank? Open/Closed? Or bi-directional? Or...?

  19. stacysmom1970

    stacysmom1970 New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
    Port of Kimberling, Kimberling city, MO.
    Here's what I know

    It was the vent tube on the top of the tank that was plugged up. We took it to the marina and had it pumped and flushed and now it is working great. The guy at the marina said the last time it was pumped that it didn't get done properly and it had backed up.
    Thank y'all again for all the help, Have a great week...