Good day, All, I'm looking for information on motor yachts (40'-50') built by Trans World Boat Builders (Taiwanese) in the late 80's & 90's. I've located current information online about the company but, so far, no historical information on their past products. Any information would be helpful, past experiences, known issues, etc. Thanks, and have a great day! Joe
Didn't Trans World build a distinctive rounded stern trawler type boat about 50 long back in the 1970's or early 1980's? It may have been powered by twin Lehman Fords but I'm not sure about that. It was not a bad looking boat but I wondered if it was prone to rolling.
Yes, they made a fantail model and actually still do, in addition to several other designs. The model I'm looking at is a 1989 47' Genesis MY. It's a deep-v hull design with twin Cummins. I've received additional pictures from the broker which answered some of my questions concerning the hull design / running gear. It doesn't look like many were imported into the US, so there's not a lot of info. out there. I've sent an email to the manufacturer asking if they have any archived information still on file. Thanks for the reply! Joe