Coming to the end of a long road preparing our vBulletin-based forum to migrate to XenForo. We're shooting for a September migration because our traffic is typically lighter this time of year. This process has been particularly challenging due to the proprietary code underlying YF, thus upgrading to the latest versions of vBulletin was impossible. As more vB vulnerabilities began to expose themselves (remember the JetForums hi-jacking!), we began evaluating various platforms and realized this nightmare might be a blessing in disguise as we became more familiar with XenForo. If you visit JetForums, you'll have a good idea what to expect. Ultimately, I think XenForo is a better program and other forum admins are following suit. It was developed by several of the original coders at vBulletin who left the company after it was purchased by Internet Brands. They knew they could create something more streamlined, intuitive and ultimately secure. This transition won't be without challenges. Some of our senior members (read: old guys) will likely be a bit grouchy about this and I'll be the one fielding their complaints. Please keep in mind that I'm coming up to speed too, juggling the back end of two very different forums, so when you send me a complaint, know that you are not alone. To help streamline the migration, I've combined several forums. The 'Frequently Asked Questions' forum has been merged with the General Discussion forum. The Chris Craft Roamer forum has been moved under the MotorYacht category, where it should have been originally for best indexing. Soon the Classified Section is going away and it will be replaced with something we're pretty excited about. More on this later... I encourage you to visit JetForums, sign-up and make a few posts in the "Ten Mile High Club" to get comfortable with posting, attaching images, sending PM's, etc. You don't need to know anything about jets, just use the forum to practice. Thanks to everyone for their patience.
Thanks Ken. Although I've shared some of the challenges with you over drinks, I learned something from my friend Lars Modin in the early years... always smile and never let 'em see you sweat! It's important that visitors to YF find a professional environment with friendly folks. Not sure how well I've done on the latter, but I now understand why so many of my peers running large forums have sold out. Every business presents challenges and I'm certain there are many far more difficult. I've done my best to embrace and adapt, but the internet has become an increasingly difficult environment. I won't bore anyone with the behind the screen antics, but I will say I've grown more disenchanted with old-school boat builders and antiquated business models. That said, I'm taking YF in a different direction in 2015. More on this later.
Oh, now two teases from Carl. As to complaining during the changeover I think you've given fair warning and would hope people just report issues you haven't posted about just to make you aware but don't feel the need to attack.
I hope you're right Brett. I'm trying to minimize frustration for our members following the migration because I need to turn my attention to the next project, which I hope will benefit our community. We started working on this two years ago but got side-tracked when vB's vulnerabilities rocked the boat. On a personal note, thank you for the wealth of knowledge, wisdom and fairness you bring to YF. We are fortunate to attract members of your caliber.
You're welcome but like any site we all are different and it's the collective group that makes things work. On some issues I feel somewhat knowledgeable but on many topics, especially the technical ones, I'm amazed at the knowledge of other's here. And I never cease to be impressed by some of the historians and those who seem to be able to recognize every boat ever built. I know we've learned and benefited far more here than anything we've contributed. But then that should be true for most of us as we bring our areas of knowledge or experience as just a small part of the whole. I learned long ago the benefit of surrounding myself with those who have knowledge and expertise I don't. Honestly, I still feel like a rookie at all this and do admire so many who are here and continue to educate us all. As to your comment regarding the industry, boat building requires the finances and the passion for boating. I'm afraid too many today have one or the other but not both. And like so many industries the heritage and legacy seems to often get lost in all the ownership and management changes. Keeping the best of the old while moving forward with new ideas is always a difficult challenge. And like all industries there are those you can trust but then many sadly lacking in ethics and integrity. I hate those as they tend to reflect on and taint those who are honest, decent, and professional. I look forward to your innovations and changes although it's going to drive me crazy now guessing and anticipating until the time.
No plans for Tapatalk. I'm not a fan of apps that don't allow screen enlargement, but mostly I'm concerned about security with 3rd party plug-ins. Instead, I think we found a better solution with XenForo's responsive design, which makes viewing on a mobile browser a MUCH more palatable experience. Xenforo is optimized for mobile devices, so we struck a balance favoring reader ease in portrait mode, while still maintaining the full site display in landscape mode. Head over to JetForums using your mobile device. The side banners are removed on smart phones with limited screen sizes, such as current iPhones. With larger-screened Android devices and iPads, the side banners should only display in landscape mode. I think this is a proper solution! Here is JetForums on the iPad in portrait mode. Notice the side banners are removed, leaving more reading real estate...
Thanks Dave, I just learned something about XF. It doesn't have a password reminder feature like vB! Checked the net and found an add-on. Will upgrade later. In the interim, send me the PW you'd like to use and I'll get you back in. Carl (at) YF (dot) com Once you're in, go to the top right corner of the header and click on your user name. A box will drop down with the option to change your password.
Too Funny. Hope your 8 year old is a fan of this website and has lots and lots of paper. P.S.- A cousin has a scanner, a fast Internet connection, and a 5 year old with a 16 colors, 800 count supply. I'm rock solid with Win 7 - now.
Unless my recall is bad there is a password reset. The usual "Forgot your password?" link slightly hidden within the login form.
Yes, it is there. Click on Login and then you get a spot to enter your email or name, a spot to enter your password which is difficult to even see, and below that it reads "Forget your password?"
Same here - Win 7 with Norton. Clicked on Forget your password? Hmmmm. Had to call my cousin - Crayola time. Congrats, you made the Junk folder. Clicked on Not junk to put JetForms in Inbox. Norton was happy.