Sorry earlier I was not paying attention... I was writing in english and trying to listen to a someone speaking in French which is horribly confusing to my old brain. it almost sounds like some kind of airlock or vapor lock in the system. The system heats up and coolant expands overflowing then later you have a low level. The high pressure would indicate somewhere things are pretty hot as Marmot suggested. A long time ago I ran into something similar with similar and we could not figure it out for some time as there were some long pipe runs to the heat exchanger and we could not get the thing corrected. The expansion tank was the high point but the system had some pockets acting like a sink drain j trap trapping air. We did solve the problem by using a vacuum pump to evacuate the system to about 1/4 or less of an atmosphere of pressure absolute, and sucking the coolant in from the bottom of a container... as we could never fix the air pocket or locate either.
Thank you for the suggestion. An air lock in the system also crossed my mind. I am certain the problem is simpler than a broken head gasket or a damaged cylinder head. I will investigate further and keep you all posted. Thanks again....
An air block is certainly possible. If there is a low point drain you might attach a fitting there and fill from the bottom.
It was an air lock. Once cleared the cooling system worked well. Thank you Gentlemen for your great input and help. Best regards, T.