Out for a walk and noticed a fuel dock sign $3.35.9 diesel fuel. I went in and asked the attendant if that included all taxes and was told it did. So we pulled in their and fueled up. Saved 150. buck +/- over my home fuel dock. Self serve so you save the "tip" also. My wife noticed a small sign over the pump the said "non-commercial boats will be charged state sales tax". We were not asked so we did not tell... Don't ask don't tell? Hah! Does that make me a bad person? Chesapeake Bay Maryland south of Kent Island Where is this fuel dock?
OK, not impressed with that? At the same business I bought a fudgesicle for $.35 and it was **** good too.
$3.35 plus tax is pretty good, I just paid $3.65 plus tax here at the truck in Miami... Most fuel docks are closer to 4.25 with tax. As to not paying the sales tax.... Well I guess if I lived in Maryland I'd probably try not too other wise I don't think it s a good idea. Nowadays considering how desperate those high spending, high taxes, high welfare, big deficit blue states operate I d be concerned that the marina has to turn over boat names and reg numbers to the state Gestapo to make sure only commercial vessels got tax free fuel. Not worth the risk.
$3.65 is very good. The range here on the Chesapeake is $3.67 and up to $4.15 that I am aware of. What about the additives? For instance most of the larger fuel docks sell ValvTect fuel. The fuel I just bought was min 40 cetain very low sulphur. Maybe I will add some Valvtect diesel guard so I will sleep better.
Expect to see new owners at that marina next year. Word like that gets out fast, and the tax man's ears are open wide. There's only 3 groups in this world that scare me, and the Tax man is at the top of that list. Tax fraud = Levenworth prison.
It's a well-known place since forever. Don't remember ever hearing of them forgetting or otherwise not adding tax for non-commercial boats. -Chris
I love your prices, today lowest price in all of Austria(!) is about 1,27 eur/lit = 6,25 usd/gal (incl tax) for diesel!!!
Hi, 800km North of you the local price is €1.33/lt today. Yesterday same gas station was at €1.38 in morning, €1.31 in early evening and €1.29 just before closing.
Make the most of it while you can, saw a mates post on FB the other day who is in Saudi, says he is paying approx 10c a lt there for gas.
bunker price SGD 1.00/litre marina price SGD 1.70/litre ... bunker barge 10 min run from marina ... a real no brainer here ...
I told a delivery Capt. friend about the cheap diesel on Tilghman Island. He stopped by mid-day Wednesday to fuel up a S/F. There were 5 boats waiting one of which was a commercial work boat.