Not a transducer..Bilge alarm? Looong cable hooked up and coiled in the bilge. No markings or model #.
Yup, my first thought as well, but there is a thru-hole transducer already in place with another long coiled up cable so I thought this thing was some thing else.. Any model or type for this thing..? My 18' Duffy Electric boat does not need no depth sounder as I know the depth and soundings of every piece of the New River and all the surrounding canals as well as the Inter Coastal Waterway around Fort Lauderdale and every bit of Port Everglades. Not because I am smart, but because I have ran aground on every shallow and made every mistake over the years all around here, I am the expert. Would be happy to yank out the depth sounder, or both of them and install a temp gauge for the electric motor compartment instead. Any other ideas of what the boat shaped piece of plastic is...? S
Lol Reading your post I thought oh here we go again, a typical Captain telling us all how great he is by knowing all the depths around town but then got to the end bit "I have ran aground on every shallow etc", finally an honest Captain. Lmao.
Yeah, I am Captain Crunch, been there done that. Don't need no stinking Depth Sounder on an 18' boat with a 2'6" draft...
Guessing on what happened, what he was thinking (was someone thinking) could drive people crazy. Can you contact any previous owners and ask? AirMar usually puts a label on at least one end. The mounting could be of a proprietary nature. That square seems to be a possible snap in/up attachment. Maybe someone may remember a previous set up with that design.
Thanks Marmot: That is the one. I do have a Hawk Eye depth finder on da Duffy, but never saw a readout for temperature. Will look under the "dash" and see if this gizmo is even hooked up to anything, if not, For Sale, never used and today Special Price
You won't get a readout for temperature because it's not submersed in water. That was a transom mount transducer and is why it has that integral bracket piece on it. On small boats many/some times it is possible to get the transom mount transducers to shoot through the hull and get an accurate reading. Either that, or they installed the unit and then got to lazy to mount the transducer on the transom and run the wiring through the boat and never finished the install.
I do get a read-out for depth, but a different transducer takes care of that, with a different cable. (This one is marked as transducer cable, the mystery piece's cable have no markings. ) Well, if I leave it in place and hook it up, I should be able to read the temperature of my bilge water, I know that will come in handy sometimes, just don't know when
Well you did want to monitor temp of the engine room right? Well the bilge water temp will ummmm get you that temp, just maybe delayed a bit.....hehehe
Yeah, I need to monitor the electric motor, it get very hot after 1 hr or running, but have found no limitations or or warnings on the temp. Got a cooling fan in there, but probably should install another one. WEMA had some nifty temp gauges in the past, will see if they still have 'em.
There might be a " Degree Rise" or " temp Rise" listed on the nameplate of the drive motor that would tell you how much warmer the motor will get, under full load, above the ambient temperature. This will tell you if she's really running HOT or just normally warm operating temp.
Roger, will look again, never noticed it before, but perhaps I was not paying attention to what it said.., stay tuned.
Those DC drive motors have peculiar ratings. There is a constant power rating where you can run it until the battery is dead, and a thermal rating which is figured at the temperature the motor will reach in one hour at 10 percent over max continuous rating. Do you run it full bore all the time? You might be able to wrap the motor with as many turns of copper tubing as will fit and take water in from a little scoop behind the prop, maybe on an extension to put the opening in the prop wash to get better flow. Or get one of those DC fountain pumps. That will make a huge difference in temperature and motor life without having to deal with fans and noisy air vents blowing hot air up your leg. Nope, don't run full bore all the time, only when going against the current in the New River. Yeah water cooling would probably be the way to go, but it would complicate the operation with plumbing and stuff. Air Cooling for now, and no, it does not blow up my legs . A computer case fan blows right at the motor and a vent provides outlet and a flow of air. This thing need cooling fins like my old 2 stroke motor cycles.. Tried to upload/attach a picture of the hot motor with the (only) placard, but no temp-rise ratings that I can see. The message dash-board seems to have changed and no more option for an image...? (I should quit doing drugs during the day, but is it me, or the software that has changed? ) Enclosed a link to an image of the picture, perhaps the link will bloom into a picture when I hit submit, but doubt it.. Update: Found the "new" way to do pics: Additional Options, hopefully the picture will be attached...
On the other side of the bilge is this piece and it looks like the mystery temp. sensor was attached to it in the past, then fell off and ended up living in the bottom of the bilge, causing numerous head scratching and questions to wise men, only Marmot cracked that nut, what is your drink of choice, or sweet stuff or whatever?
Someone should write a book on the millions of uses for copper tubing, sort of like the duct tape tomes. Fins? Here's one source ... get one the length you want and bend it around the motor, don't forget the thermal grease.