Quick operational question.... While operating boat tt are clearly working. When at the dock with engines off, tabs do not seem to respond. Power is on to bridge but tabs are not moving. It is not weak batteries. Are they wired to only work while under power or is something else going on? Thanks for input.
No, they should work at all times as long as batteries are on and th breaker is on. First thing to check is fluid level at the pump, usually mounted on the transom. If there is hydraulic fluid in there, then have someone press the switch at the helm while you check to see if th pump hums. If it does, you likely have a problem with the pump, if it doesn't hum then it s an electrical issue! check the wiring! switches! breaker etc
if you know they are working underway and they dont move with engines off why not try turning the ignition switches on at the dock without starting the engines and see if they move then, who knows what wiring your boat has, a previous owner might have done something to change the original
It's a Carver. No telling what the factory did. I'm working on a Californian, not sure if it"s a Carver build or not. Tabs need port key switch on. I was amazed also.
A previous boat I owned had automatic trim tab retractors which were wired to one of the ignition switches. This brought the tabs to the retracted, resting position when the engines were off.
There you go. I think Sea Gull has it,, I had thought about that after my comment and did not get back. Some auto retractor modules are out of sight - out of mind AND key switch enabled.
Thanks for tips. Will try turning ignition on and testing This also makes sense as I do not remember returning them to fully retracted after last use. I had checked fluids and reservoir was in normal range Thanks again everyone