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Best Live-Aboard Yacht?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by YachtForums, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. The Revenge

    The Revenge New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
    Ocala, Fl
    Hands down an early 80's or late 70's Hatters MY. Probably doesn't need anything more than the 53'. When you step aboard the boats are spacious. Systems are easy to work on. Full size kitchens. Huge aft patios. Three staterooms with a split plan. Plus a bridge to hang out on. Sea worthy and won't kill you on fuel. The hulls are almost an inch thick and will be around a long time. Plenty on the market for under 250k.
    The sedan bridge boats are nice but not as user friendly for a live aboard. Smaller kitchen, one main sitting area under cover with ac, all staterooms in one area, not as sea worthy.
  2. texasford101

    texasford101 New Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Best Live-Aboard Yacht

    Don't forget about the Chris Craft Commanders.They are built very solid and are available in many sizes and configurations.They built a lot of them,therefore there are quite a few for sale.
  3. YachtNewbie

    YachtNewbie New Member

    Dec 2, 2013
    My research has led me to the Selene or Defever. Anything in the 43 to 53 foot range appears ideal and the prices can run from $190K for older Defevers to $700K for newer 2000 models.

    I'm leaning towards the DeFever 44 foot CPMY. Twin John Deeres of 135 Horse Power that are reasonably economical and I feel low maintenance. Nice large master bedroom separate from guest quarters and large covered deck areas.

    I also liked the idea of a twin for security and ease of maneuvering. After reading "Cruising the Big U" by Ade and Jo Salzer, I decided he twin was safer as they experienced an engine failure (due to a manufacturing defect in a fuel
    Line) in an almost new boat in heavy seas; not a fun experience I am sure.

    BUT, I would not rule out a single Selene for its great design and massive distance capability not to mention economical.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I don't know... The one Defever I ve seen up close and personal was not very impressive quality wise with roting wood and various other issues despite being about 10 years old.

    I ll take a older Viking or hatt over the Defever any days.
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I agree, or an older Searay. Knock them all you want, but I managed a lot of old ones over the years and they were all structurally sound and well thought out in terms of use and use of space.
  6. Knothead

    Knothead New Member

    Feb 9, 2012
    Jacksonville, Florida
    Don't count out the 45,48,55 Californians. High quality, tons of room and miserly on fuel for it's size.
  7. ddw1668

    ddw1668 Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2007
    Murrells Inlet, SC
    This is my choice for 'Best Liveaboard under $300K'. Galley up, three staterooms, stand up ER. 56 X 16 Extended Deck 1973 Matthews.

    Attached Files:

  8. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno

    Just curious, since it's been ten years.

    What was purchased?
  9. NEO56

    NEO56 Member

    May 2, 2014
    There's also the "old" Meridian trawler, mid to late 70's that was a great boat. We used to cruise in a 56' all summer break through the Bahamas. Very well built and stable boat. I haven't done any research if any are on the market....but something to consider. And that Mathews above is a great looking boat as well!
  10. Jason Everett

    Jason Everett New Member

    Dec 30, 2016
    San Diego, CA

    Kicking up this old thread! Only because I am currently living on my 55' Californian CPMY for one more year, then moving back into condo if only to have a land and sea base. Both the 48' flush deck and the 55' CPMY have a massive sun room aft that rivals most large Yachts. Though mine is 55' it is 60' LOA due to a large platform and generous Bow sprit. The three state rooms is really nice to have and also having 3 full heads is such a plus especially on the ball at Catalina. I know that lately these have been in high demand as the newest one out there is a 1991 (last production year) so prices have become quite reasonable mid 200K for a well maintained one and sub 175K for a floating condo (i.e. needs TLC). There really are not many out there and don't be fooled by the ones on Yacht world there are a lot out there that are 55' and 57' but are really only the 48' 2 state room CPMY with a 7' or 9' cockpit. For me having all that extra cockpit is not worth the extra slip fee for the length. Beam to length ratio is not as large as some other vessels out there as my 55' only has a 15' beam compared to 17' or 18' for other 55's I have seen so having the Wesmar or Niad stabilizers is critical. I have been living on my CPMY for 2 years now and all together a total of 3 by the time I go back on land and it is perfect for two people with an occasional guest on board for the weekends or slightly longer. The advice I have is most live aboards' I have see look cluttered like the person is trying to have every knick knack or creature comfort on board. I like to entertain and I like the minimalist lifestyle so not having clutter and making it look like I don't live on board to me is nice, plus I am ready to go out to sea with minimal prep.
  11. BuoyCall

    BuoyCall Guest

    Silverton 453 has def got our attention
  12. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    Also, a lot of single-level living, dropping downstairs to go to bed. One of my driving influences in shifting from my sportfish to the motor yacht was one level living. The convertible had me going up and down steps for every thought and forgetful moment.
    bayoubud likes this.
  13. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    I don't disagree, although you're perhaps pushing the age consideration beyond the posted concept? The Matthews, like my Burger, has the full beam salon. While inside I swear that adds 20 feet in length to the vessel. While a bit more awkward to navigate the decks, you are well served to overcome that learning curve in exchange for considerably more livability.

    If you're pushing the age consideration, Burger has a lot of really well built vintage boats that can be purchased for extremely low entry prices. Yes, the system are vintage, but it's all really well built. They're a terrific canvas for a protracted refit, if the budget limits the buyer.