I was looking at a new car, A Maserati Quatrapporte and was thinking... Has any specialty car company like Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini etc.. ever done a interior/exterior design with a yacht builder? A Sort of Signature series or one off? I saw the link about Porsche, though that doesn't seem to be from Porsche but a likeness of thier designs. Not looking to make a boat look like a car, but taking a yacht say a Ferratti, PJ 150, Azmut and those styles/likeness I am meaning a true ground up design and interior with the ambience/textures/materials, engines? etc... of a inspired yacht. I know Lamborghini makes race engines for F1 Offshore boats, are these ever used in any other yachts? The larger fast sport yachts 80-130 feet would lend itself to this idea. Has it been done in the past and just flopped or just too much time and costs involved to do for a small niche auto company and yacht builder? Would a car maker like Maserati even consider such a request I wonder? Having sat in the back and driven the Quatrapporte It is a expierence unlike most luxury german cars have and certainly memorable. I can see transforming that same luxury, speed, exhaust note of a Ferrari tuned motor in a sport yacht. The Trident series perhaps? Hmmm......
The ultimate fusion: Ok, so it was a little off your topic... but when I saw that pic I had to post it for you LC.
Pininfarina I found a news article about Pininfarina Design (the Italian design company that designs for both Maserati and Ferrari), about the Primatist G70 AeroTop: http://extra.pininfarina.it/eng/news/frames/250605.html
The Elise would make a awesome aquacar no doubt, light weight, composite/aluminium tub etc.. hard top or targa style! Wish the picture was true I would want one! I love my Elise nothing like it for the price
Link Oops ... sorry about that! You can try the link now. Also, found another link: http://www.beneteauusa.com/sail/previous/first/first_45f5.php Arnie
Here is the Azimut 65 by Pininfarina. There was a red Riva Gitana by Ferrari and there has been some other smaller boats connected with car manufacturers. But no big yachts and I don´t miss them really...
Could the PJ "Time" have been modelled after a Cadillac Seville... http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/p...-126-vs-1980-cadillac.html?highlight=cadillac Joking aside... a ski boat was modelled after a Corvette a few years ago. Along the same subject, the Corvette ZR-1 series used a block built by Mercruiser at one time. As for a car maker venturing into yachting, Bugatti has some drawings on the table, but no takers so far. (best of my knowledge)
While my Italian car was not a Maser, I would be the first to agree that they have their own flavor. I could never decide which I liked better, British sports cars or the Italian jobs. Frankly zero interest in German cars. One could hope that the pricer Italian sport yachts would also deliver some of that flavor found in the Maser. Examples - Baglietto, Pershing, Riva, Tecnomar, and Uniesse. Leopard and Mangusta are also intriguing, but I believe they are from Spain? Exotics are a good thing , Kelly
The Leopard and Mangustas are both from Italy, concepts from Rodrigues and built in Viareggio I think. Both are nice, Mangusta a bit pricey though...
Maybe you´ll find some Rodrigues in Spain, I don´t know, but in Italy you have yards building all kind of ships and yachts under this name. The guy I am thinking of is normally based in Southern France and build yachts in Italy... His biggest success was with the Leopard Sport 21.5 m and the Mangusta 80. But now he has expanded so I have lost track of what they are up to...
As I said, I have lost track a little... Didn´t know they were selling Astondoa. Gérard Rodriguez developed the Leopard and Mangusta concepts in the late 80:s and they are built by two different family yards in Viareggio. Today Rodriguez is also into big yachts through the ISA yard. We are a little off topic now, but this information comes from their website and can be interesting anyway. In 2001 they bought Camper & Nicholson yacht brokers and later also Bob Saxon yacht management. The Rodriguez Group is today listed at the Paris stock exchange and is run by the son Alexandre Rodriguez. http://www.rodriguezgroup.com
Hi, I,m new here but have read almost evey post on this site still searching for a answer with no luck,thats why I'm resurecting this thread. Any one know any thing about these Bugatti designs listed here. http://www.yachtboutique.com/BugattiYachts/Yacht_Portfolio.htm This is John Rodrigues note s not z located in Flordia. The portfolio is of modern design that promiss outstading speeds and the newest technology. . Even seen a $95,000,000.00 design on ebay. Now here's the ? I've been reading about megayachts for over 3 years and never run across a single yacht named bugatti. Reading his site is impressive but they are only words and pictures. Is there any yacht floating designed by John Rodrugui(s) ? Is this the same Bugatti that makes the super car that has the yacht line ? Rodrigui(z) I just can't figure if he is a legit designer and can deliver on the promisis. If so why not even 1 yact has been sold fom his Speedy portfolio,some have been added though. Thanks if any one can enlighten me.
I can only say that we are all waiting for some of these projects to be seen, but for now little is known of what is for real and not... This is part of the beauty of the internet I think, we can publish our ideas and reach a large audience fast at a low cost. If somebody gets on the hook, why not?
AMG ,thats what I figured. I've read so many of you posts here I feel like I already know you. you do good work and your knowledge is evident.Thanks for taking the time to share it . I just love all the mechanics of the megayachts.Every yacht has its own kool "signature" mechanical gizmos that open,close ,slide ,lift ,ect..........combine that with the propulsion and all the electronics and I would be like a kid in a candy store.
It seems that cars and boats don't mix in one brand. The only yacht manufacturer with automobile roots at this time is Renzo yachts. They are part of the Rivolta Group which have build the legendary Iso-Rivolta sports cars in the past. I sure hope they start producing cars in the near future. Did you buy the Maserati QP? If so, do you experience any electrical trouble, like the trunk (boot) lid lock malfunctioning which causes you to put all your luggage on the back seat? Dispite its technical faults it's absolutely the most beautiful car on sale today.
Have you missed that Mr Rodrigues has launched Bentley Yachts? Claiming he won the battle of the Bugatti name over Volkswagen he is now obviously challenging them again. Maybe not exactly the best marketing plan to achieve customers confidence though...? On the Maserati, I agree, it is one of the greatest designs you can buy, and yes, I wish they could build it a little more solid.