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back rails and hatch cover for a 450 pilot house

Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by keno1954, May 29, 2014.

  1. keno1954

    keno1954 New Member

    May 29, 2014
    Eddy Creek
    Well hi to all.
    Just bought a 1999 450 pilot house.
    The one thing I have to do is get the back railing on the top deck.
    The boat came with a davit and I know with the davit--no rail or hatch cover.
    I have grandkids.
    So, does anyone know where I could get these two items?
    I will forgo the davit for the grandkids .
    Anyway , this boat sat 4 four years and I am bringing it back to life.
    It has the 8.3 Cummins engines--strong --only 900 hrs.
    Anyone have any ideas for any parts for this beast- let me know.
    Located in Kentucky on Lake Barkley.
    Thanks in advance and happy boating!!
    Ken and Marla
  2. sam356

    sam356 Member

    Oct 31, 2011
    Great Oaks Fairlee Creek MD
    Is this what you are talking about you can go to your local canvas guy and he can do this for you.

    Attached Files:

  3. Monepit

    Monepit Member

    May 27, 2013
    Evansville, in
    Welcome to the wonderful world of 450Carver. I to have a 1999 450. Believe or not I am also on Ky. lake. At Ky Dam. Call Brett at Carver. 9208227227. He is the parts manager and is an invaluable source for parts. It they don't have it they can usually make it for you. Carver is an awesome company and the 450 is a great boat. A lot of people take the hatch off because it gets in the way. I wanted to take mine off and the wife through a fit. So it's still on. It's a good thing. These boats have a bad station wagon effect so we close the hatch when moving and that helps a lot. I've spent the last year bringing ours back to perfection and its finally there. I've been here all week finishing up some final projects. Everything is done and back to working perfect again like new. If you need any help or advice I've went through ever nook and cranny of this boat and have upgraded or fixed about everything there is on it. You can give me a call at anytime and I would be glad to guide you through it. 8124550921. Dave.
  4. keno1954

    keno1954 New Member

    May 29, 2014
    Eddy Creek
    Thanks for the reply.
    right now it is at Sunset Harbor for blister repairs.---below Ken-lake
    When I get it back, I will set up shop at Eddy creek for 2 months.
    After that ?
    anyway, been a struggle to get things done.
    First thing I have to get done is that hatch and rail.
    not a good situation for small grandkids,
    looking at a marina right above Buzzard Rock.
    next to a small town and close to Eddyville on the Barkley side.
    safe boating.
    Ken 618-550-8636
    from Belleville Il 16 miles due east of ST Louis on I64
  5. Monepit

    Monepit Member

    May 27, 2013
    Evansville, in
    Your at the best boat yard in the country. Dennis is a perfectionist. He did mone last year. No blisters but epoxy and bottom. Also boot stripe. A couple of sea orcs, hoses and a little gel coat. All done beyond perfection and very reasonable. Kattawa is a good choice. If I left KDM. That would defiantly be my choice.
  6. keno1954

    keno1954 New Member

    May 29, 2014
    Eddy Creek
    I am glad to here that I made a good choice.
    the wife wants to replace the blinds in the main area.
    have any idea on where one might go to get these?
    hopefully by the 28th- I might get the boat off the blocks.
  7. keno1954

    keno1954 New Member

    May 29, 2014
    Eddy Creek
    back rails

    Actually, I am looking for the metal rails that surround that back area.
    With the davit, the rails are not supplied nor the hatch.
    really bad for grandkids.
    By the way, your Carver looks great.
    Thanks for the reply
  8. rcoff512

    rcoff512 Member

    Jul 30, 2007
    Long Island NY summer Pompano Beach FL winter
    Hatch cover

    My 450 also came without a hatch cover if you find someone who has or will make 2 please let me know.
    I have the rail on mine as in the picture above and imagine it could be fabricated locally. If you need pictures of it or dimensions, let me know.

  9. Monepit

    Monepit Member

    May 27, 2013
    Evansville, in
    Actually the hatch came with all of them. A lot of people just took it off. I have a David and a hatch. I looked at your boat. The David was added on a few years ago. As I remember they never ran power to it yet then.