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Recommended tool kit for 60' sportfish

Discussion in 'General Sportfish Discussion' started by Danvilletim, May 25, 2014.

  1. Caltexflanc

    Caltexflanc Senior Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    North Carolina
    I cruised and lived aboard full time for several years on a Hatteras 56MY. The old saying "The definition of cruising: working on and fixing your boat in exotic places" is so true. Here's a list of my MVPs, or MVTs if you will (spare parts is another story), not mentioned already in most cases.

    I had one of those Craftsman sets, maybe 150 piece. I got something out of there maybe once or twice a year. By far the most used wrenches on the boat was a set of stubby Gear Wrenches, a ton of uses and gets into places where a normal wrench or ratchet set either doesn't fit or takes forever to get anything on or off.

    Also heavily used was a set of T nut drivers and T allen head driver, as well as a full set of allen wrenches. The nut drivers also got into hard to reach places and are very handy for hose clamps. Remember to have a 7mm for use on AWAB clamps, by far the best hose clamp for applications that don't require a T bolt type.

    A ratcheting screw driver with a variety of ends is likewise invaluable for places a drill driver won't get into. Speaking of which, smaller is better on the drill driver.

    Rubber mallet.

    A small wet/dry vac, say a couple or three gallons, something you can carry around easily and get into tight spaces.

    One of those long skinny springy "grabber" devices; everything you drop will find its way into an otherwise impossible to reach cranny. In the same vein, a small mirror on a telescoping rod.

    Tripod style flashlights. A headlamp. One of those bigger plastic floating flashlights with foldable handle. An LED long skinny trouble light. These make use of your tools possible in many cases, and much more efficient many more times.

    It's been mentioned, but the best small digital clamp on multi-meter you can get. Absolutely essential.

    A few sets of various lengths of small jumpers with alligator clips on each end. When you need one, it is invaluable.

    Also as mentioned a good set of ratchet crimpers, practice using them in advance. A variable heat gun with various ends to it, especially the curved type for heat shrink. Many uses for this.

    Various types of sandpaper and abrasives. I found one of those tearable 1" rolls of abrasive tape very handy in particular over the years.

    Vaseline and Corrosion X.

    Antiseptic cream and Band Aids.
  2. TeKeela

    TeKeela Member

    May 1, 2012
    NC & Puerto Rico
    crap! wrote a long one and my thumbs hit the mouse pad, all gone now. Sorry, you are on your own.

    Get a bunch of electrical stuff though. Don't forget that!
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    You rang?

    It's not only a name,, it's an attitude..
    I answer to worse.

    LMAO,, AND,, it's crapper funny.

    You kids need to lighten up.
  4. TeKeela

    TeKeela Member

    May 1, 2012
    NC & Puerto Rico
    I did not ring, however, I did think of something else. Good latex/nitrile gloves. The blue ones, sized to fit (XL) not those one size fits all. several boxes of them even. Great for filter changes, oil changes, even chunking for tuna or spreading caulk. Car quest is where I get them.
  5. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Don't forget the blue tape.

    With all this added weight, surely the waterline will need a redo. ;)
  6. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    No one has mentioned the obvious. A high limit credit card and a checkbook.
  7. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    Neither is as much use as CASH in a lot of out of the way locations
  8. NEO56

    NEO56 Member

    May 2, 2014
    Not sure if you'd ever need it...but since you're loading the boat down, there's a company that makes an aluminum tape with incredible adhesive backing. The airlines use it for patching wings for flight before they can get the plane back to maintenance. They call it 600 mph tape. Good luck with the new boat!