Amels has secured another 180 order due in 2015. Below is a nice brochure of Engelberg, which I absolutely love. She was listed on the market back in August of 2013 with Ocean Independence. Does anyone know what she was asking? [Mod note, link below is an 11,5 MB download..] http://www.***********.com/sites/default/files/engelberg.pdf
I think due to different reasons the Mods deleted purposely the Amels threads .. so I do not now if this here is appreciated. Nontheless thanks for the brochure. Seeing her in person she is even more magnificent! Did not know that she was(is) for sale so I only asked them for the charter price at the MYS. However I remember the LE 171 "Bel Abri" had an asking price of 33,000,000 Euros. I estimate "Engelberg" is then probably in the 40 million price range. This is just my implication, I could be wrong.
And another was sold for £30 million. I remember the Amels thread has been removed more than once I believe and it's still accessible through google (also cached most likely). I know there are some differences above our heads on this but I feel that such a major builder should still be discussed in a lighter context other than it's own forum subpage.
Amels has launched their third yacht of the year, another 180 with hull number 466. This is the second 180 launch of the year (along with Astra) and also a 212 (supposedly named 'Z').
They have produced many of the 171/177/180 models and continue to sell more including a recent order for another 180 due in 2015.
Did the 52m Amels "kiss the sky" get a new white paint job? I just noticed photos showing both white and flag blue. Definitely looks like a different yacht in all white.
Looks like we have another LE180... this one recently arrived at the Amels finishing facilities, appears to be hull 467. Expected launch is in 2015 Summer.
I'm still pretty surprised to hear that they have made 18 boats from this hull platform starting in 2007. That line in particular seems to be pretty successful.
Event was featured in a prominent yachting magazine quite some time ago but no interior shots were released. I suppose the owners decided not to charter her like originally stated. I really hope that interior shots will be released of the second hull when it is launched next year.
I can just speak for her beach club... walls and floor are fitted out with warmly coloured hardwood. I think it is called Afromosia. If the remaining interior is done in the same stlye she would be really worth a review. Same wood like you can find on CRN's "J'Ade". Absolutely beautiful IMO! BTW "Astrid Conroy" ex "Lady Gulya"/ "GU" left Amels after her 4 months refit. I wonder if the former owner of "Gu" just renamed her "Lady Gulya" due to the launch of his new yacht "Madame Gu" or if she was actually sold last year. In every case it appears that she was definitely sold prior to her refit at Amels.
Amels refreshed finally their website! I love the exterior photos and video of "Event"! EDIT by Mod: dead link removal They have also a new Support vessel concept..
Acting like a smart-aleck eh? I am not talking about the Sea Axe 3707, 5009 and 6711. The 5509 (based on the 5509) and 70m+ are definitely new concepts!! Well my first post was not very precise as I did not want to post the photos here. Who is now really late on the band wagon there?!