Fun day at the show in Newport. Favorite boat was 82 hatteras w 16v149. They were just huge! Love to hear comments on these monsters. Also loved the reel display case
Yep My local shop used to rebuild those monsters in their shop. The hydraulic dyno (at that time) could not put a full load on the 16v149T (A or I, think A)
I think they ended production around 1600HP each which means 100GPH PER ENGINE at cruise. Hope she carries huge tanks (and credit line ;-)
Already been done, with MTU 16V2000M93's rated 2400hp each, stretched to 91ft. Absolutely stunning......Google Sportfisher Alessa Leigh for more detailed pictures.
You can Not idle around 149s. A real machine that was made to run. Generators that ran whole Towns, Dredges, Tugs. When it comes to commit pure torque to a shaft and near fly, the big 149s were here. That many horses are going to draw some fuel. Big Cats and others are going to draw fuel. If they run good with no maintenance issues, run em & run em proudly. The exhaust tone must be awesome. I would think they are ALMOST as much forgiving as a 71. No forgiveness in a strung 92. At 1600 hp each VS the other models, Maybe a lil more fuel. The weight pr HP stinks VS newer engine packages. But it's already there and reliable. 3200 total HP is going to consume a bunch of fuel no matter who's what block you have down there. Now,,, Do you like the boat???
Not really. A 1650HP C32 acert burns 70 gph at 80% load a 2000hp 16v2000 burns 75GPH at 80% compared to 100 gph??? And both of the motors above would net a higher cruise speed as well.
The 1800 bhp 16v149TIs (non DDEC) consume a bit over 90gph on the pins (EACH). 80% load would be lower to that and closer to your figures. Still not a mpg king VS newer models, but not that bad. Then double the numbers (twin installation) and that 100gph quote get blown away (under a good load). At 1550 rpm (Max 1900) the 149 maybe a touch underloaded but doing 50gph each (1450bhp). Anybody who can afford these burn rates is probably not a MPG bean counter anyway. Within a few local fishing trips they may burn more that I do all year. I think the 149s that are are out there are pretty dependable.
I am curious to hear reports on reliability, who cares about fuel burn if you have techs onboard every other month. The 16V2000M94 is up to 2600 hp now if I remember correctly? Not sure if there is a duty rating difference between the M93 and M94. Is it better to stick in a pair of M94s and run them easier ... Or a de rated motor and run it harder. Any horror stories on the 16v2000 at any rating?
I believe the Alessa Leigh got the 1st pair of 16V2000 engines rated at 2400hp in the states, but the refit took awhile before commissioning. The owner had all exterior surfaces/castings of the engine ground/polished smooth before painting in Fire-Engine Red - they are a work of art. The question you pose is not so easy to answer for any diesel because of so many factors: Boat Design and Hull Resistance/Machinery Installation/Sufficient Engine Room Air Intake and Exhaust/Fuel Quality/Operating Load Profile/Weight and Trim/Geographically Location - Tropics or more temperate climes/Propeller and running gear design/How the Owner/Captain operate the vessel as well as whether they follow a maintenance program/etc. With higher hp you have the ability to extract more speed if the conditions are favorable and your pocket book is sufficient, but you will never see those numbers with lower hp. So it becomes a choice
Hatteras 100 now comes standard with CAT Acert 32's rated at 1900 hp and optional with MTU 16V2000M94 at 2600 hp which is still rated by MTU as for high speed, light load. It really seems to me that a 12V4000 perhaps detuned a bit, maybe even a 12V4000 M73L at 2897 hp would make a lot of sense instead, just looking at what other manufacturers put in similar boats. Similarly others who use the 16V2000 for boats that size, tend toward a M91 at 2000 hp at 2300-2350 rpm instead of 2450. The boat weighs a lot for a 100' glass boat at 275,000 pounds, comparable to most 115'-120'.
Swear it would be cheaper; short AND long term to put 3 Cats in vs. any twin big MTUs. Sorry, Didn't mean to set a bad vibe on MTUs,,,,,, Sorry, YES I DID. Never witnessed a more expensive POS to maintain and operate than MTUs. Amazing thing, bunch of the MTU stuff out there. Everybody loves to go fast. They can afford the cost of going fast, the maintenance is a part of routine operation. WAY above my level of redneck logic.
Actually in 100'+, MTU is the leading seller. MTU plus CAT totally dominate the market. The percentages are amazing. Now there are some builders who have had excellent service histories with MTU's perhaps due to appropriate sizing, selection of engines, and other factors. Perhaps due to emphasis on routine maintenance. Now, everything else being equal, I might well choose CAT but everything else is seldom equal. Size is often a factor in placement. The 3 CAT suggestion you make wouldn't fit on most boats. And sound is definitely a factor. While I would never criticize CAT, I also don't agree with your strong condemnation of MTU even though I do very much respect your experience.
Oh yea there are a leading seller,,, Paxman don't do it any more. MAN (& the remaining pieces of Paxman) can't do it & Caterpillar can't deliver the HP per weight that MTU delivers. So yes, they sell and sell often. Everybody wants to go fast. Like fuel, Maintenance just cost money. Did'nt mean to put a strong condemnation on MTUs. When you have money (lots & lots). It's hard to explain to a new boat shopper to do some real serious research, cost to maintain / rebuild, resale analysis, option shopping and soul searching before you make that order. Simple rednecks who don't understand the 6th or 7th zero on a money line, can understand (still can't afford it). One of the few Pershing 80s in the country (USA, couple of years ago) Came into Jax. The captain explained he ran out of fuel before he ran out of daylight (Gasp). The exhaust manifold and gaskets gave out somewhere off of Daytona. People can rent a home / year for less than it cost to clean up the engine room. MTU warranty was great. The repair cost could buy that home. Yep, We made that ER shine like new.. Discovered this was not a rare event. Cats may not be that powerful or fast. Never heard of repeat exhaust manifold or gasket issues on a Cat engine. Yep, more & more are powered by MTUs. I just poured Buba another Miller. ,Later dudes