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Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by olderboater, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. dainisk

    dainisk Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    Perth, Fremantle
    This thread really got me thinking, and perhaps reminiscing. I live in Perth, Western Australia and we really don't have many choices about where to go to. Some of our favourite activities are to simply anchor out in the Swan River or go down to Fremantle - all only an hour away in mostly protected waters. So, perhaps a favourite spot might depend on where you live/moor and how adventurous you want to be.

    As for other parts of the world... we have travelled quite extensively, some by boat/cruise, some by that bus with wings. There are some really gorgeous cruising grounds in the world that we have been to such as southern Turkey aroung Gocek/Fethye. The Med overall has some nice places, but again the weather often kicks up a bit and the cost is astounding. Then in northern Europe there is great cruising all around Stockholm and Helsinki (but remember that these places only exist for a couple of months a year before the weather turns to crap). Of course then there are the Pacific Islands. But you really need to be a bit more adventurous to get there, but the rewards are incredible. Of course, all around Seattle to north of Vancouver is very picturesque. Back in Aus, there are some nice places on the East coast, namely the Whitsunday Islands and areas north of Sydney (Pittwater). Northern Australia (i.e. the Kimberly) is very nice, but too many things to bite you: crocks, sharks and killer jelly fish. Yuck!

    But, I think you folks in the Eastern US are absolutely spoiled for choice. All the way from northern Maine to Florida and then beyond to the Caribbean - Wow! Add to that the the inland waterways in Ontario.

    Gotta keep buying those lotto tickets!
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    One thing this serves as a reminder of is that the destinations to enjoy are almost infinite. For practical purposes they are, because no one can ever get to them all. It's so great to hear different favorites. It opens our eyes to the wonders. It also reminds us how we might differ from others. But it's all good.
  3. MaxPower

    MaxPower Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    At Sea ... Aahhh ...
    i was gonna suggest phuket, but gauging from the other responses, i suspect it may be a bit far for ya ...

    but if still interests you, i hv a thread here with lots and lots of pics ...

    u never know .. it might just change your mind ...

  4. 993RSR

    993RSR Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2004
    Annapolis/ Palm Harbor
    My wife and I just completed our very first trip from Annapolis to West Palm. We took our time and smelled some roses.
    Annapolis is great but home. Charleston is outstanding but we spent the winter there last year. Our surprise favorites of this trip were:
    River Dunes, Oriental, NC
    Bald Head Island, NC
    Georgetown, SC
    St Augustine, FL

    Best marina on the trip was Palm Harbor in WPB. 40' or 200' this place is all about amenities, security and quality floating docks.
  5. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Glad you got to see Bald Head. We have River Dunes on our places we want to see list. Love St. Augustine. It's so unique. That's part of the beauty of cruising, the diversity. Palm Harbor is also nice, even though we have a place that feels like home that we usually go to in the area. Just where we fell in first.

    Maybe that's part of what we love about the water, the diversity. From Miami South Beach to Oriental. From small Chesapeake Harbors to New York City. Even in the Bahamas, from Nassau to a private undeveloped island where you're alone.

    I can never get enough stories of places people enjoy.
  6. Caltexflanc

    Caltexflanc Senior Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    North Carolina
    For us, it's all about destinations that can only be reached by boat, with a bias towards more wilderness and less town. If I can get there in my car, and it's a town, as fun and charming as it may be, it is still not going to make the "best boating destination" list. So on the east coast, it's going to be places like Cape Lookout Bight, for the best and most extensive undeveloped beaches in the USA. Bull Creek off the Waccamaw River. South River off Pamlico Sound. Walburg Creek / St Catherines, Cumberland Island in Georgia. Parts of the St Johns River. Elliot Key on Biscayne Bay. Over to all those great spots in the islands that Pascal talks about. Back here to Dry Tortugas thence up to Cape Sable, 10,000 Islands, Cayo Costa. Harder to find these kinds of spots north of NC, but the Chessie has a bunch of great places to drop the hook, it would take years to hit them all.

    Cruising the boat through New York harbor and on up the Hudson would be right at the top of the list as a favorite "destination" in and of itself. Maybe in another post, I'll go on about some spots in New England (such as Cuttyhunk) and the Canadian Maritimes, but you get the idea.

    On the west coast, the San Juan and Gulf Islands are also right at in the top of all time. Look forward to chartering there again now that we are selling our Hatteras here in NC.

    Since we've been locals the past several years, noticed you folks talking about River Dunes (really???) and Bald Head (fun place we have friends with a house there, so take the ferry), I'd take Ocracoke over either every time ( you can anchor in the harbor there) and Manteo wouldn't be far behind.
  7. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Speaking of which. Going up the Hudson River from NYC to Troy, NY, then across the Erie Canal and up to Oswego is beautiful also and one of my favorites. The ICW from Fernandina Beach,FL to Charleston, S.C. is another favorite of mine. Certain Parts of the ,Mississippi (north of the Ohio River), Tennessee/Tenn-Tom are beautiful also.

    I'm opposite of Pascal. I do love the Exuma's and the beautiful water and stuff like snorkeling, fishing, etc..... but I don't need to get in the water or have beautiful water. I also just like the scenery and the brown water doesn't bother me.
  8. RobertoSonnen

    RobertoSonnen New Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    Acapulco, Mexico
    When near Manzanillo, I really recommend visiting Barra de Navidad (approx. 27 nm NW of Manzanillo). It is a very quaint seaside village, with great food and ambience. It is also full of history, as it was in Barra that the first Spanish galleons were built and launched in the 1500's to the Phillipines. In Barra, one can also enjoy the Grand Bay Resort, which also has an excellent marina with all services, including Cable TV, Room Service to your vessel, and an incredible health club. The cozy bar at Grand Bay Hotel features a beautiful view, with hand-rolled cigars, and there is a 4 star restaurant. The Grand Bay swimming pool has 3 waterfalls and 4 levels, along with 2 large jacuzzis. This is a real treat after being on the sea for a few (or more) days!
  9. RobertoSonnen

    RobertoSonnen New Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    Acapulco, Mexico
    Dear olderboater,

    You are absolutely right!! There is so much diversity and there are so many incredible destinations in the world. Also, as you mention, people are the greatest enjoyment, too .
  10. MountainGuy

    MountainGuy Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    To add to this, I just visited Costa Careyes Hotel, Barra de Navidad, Mexiko, (Villa Orion) which has a verrrrrrry nice bay, superb restaurant and really nices villas for rent, if you want to stay some days on land...
  11. david_japp

    david_japp Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    East coast of England ….Rivers Orwell and Deben, especially .
  12. david_japp

    david_japp Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2005
    North West coast Italy …from Menton to Portofino then to Sardegna..
  13. 1000 islands

    1000 islands Member

    Apr 20, 2013
    Ivy Lea
    Just as my handle says....the 1000 Islands & Rideau Canal.

    There are actually 1856 islands and 1000's of anchorages. Some of the islands are a National Park with docking that you pay for and you can stay up 3 days.

    There is not much more to be said about the 1000 Islands than on these sites:
    Visit the 1000 Islands
    Parks Canada - Thousand Islands National Park of Canada - Thousand Islands National Park of Canada

    Locking through the Rideau is fabulous.

    Almost all the locks are still operated by hand as they were 175 years ago.

    Traversing through the locks and various lakes and canals that make up the Rideau Canal is beautiful.

    Our favourite anchorage is in Morton's Bay. The water is crystal clear and the granite cliffs that make up most of the shoreline are up to 200 feet high.
    There are a few spots where you can climb up and jump off....not me though...LOL

    Our favourite town to visit is Merrickvillle: Merrickville & District Chamber of Commerce

    It's been called the prettiest town in Ontario.

    It is full of shops to wander through and art studios.

    We try to go at least once every 2 years.
  14. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Our favorite is the last place we were, only to be superseded by the next place. We are exploring the PNW and Alaska this summer and look forward to a world totally different than any we've seen. Our entire time on the west coast, land or water, to this point is one week in Washington (mostly busy with little sightseeing although before leaving did have a nice snowball fight with a couple of teens who were surprised "old people" would participate in such) and I once had a week in Portland plus flown through the LA airport.

    A couple of years from now the NY and Canadian Canals, the St. Lawrence, and the entire eastern part of Canada that is accessible by water. Halifax to Montreal to Toronto.
  15. rmjranch

    rmjranch Member

    Mar 6, 2011
    Ft Lauderdale FL

    Saba island in the Caribbean. Not the Saba in the Virgin Islands.