Looking for 32 volt voltage regulators. Balmar stopped making them and Ample Power hasn't responded. New or used OK.
I feel your pain. It's getting impossible to find anything 32v. I just found out the other day that it's no longer possible to get the small 15w/32v light bulbs. For what you're looking for I'd recommend checking with Sam's Marine.
Yeah, you're going to have to convert to LED's and go room by room and save the old bulbs for replacements in other rooms. You have to get LED's rated for 10-36 volts, the cheaper ones are not.
Go to Voltage Regulators and look at the MC-632. Evidently Balmar doesn't get enough call for 32V systems anymore but has a modification of their 24V regulator for use on 32V installations.
Has any one had any experiance bumping up to 36 volt? Although I have not done it yet it seams like a no brainer. Bump up the regulators. install 3 12v batterys. and go??? Boat Batterys don't operate cold so charging 32v @ 38v. 36v at 40v? I'm just thinking of the days when it was common to bump a 6volt car up to 8volt for easyer starting. ILELBOAT
warm white or 2700K (light color) would be closest in appearance to a normal light bulb (incandescant) or halogen
We're efficient over here at Yachtforums......Marmot already answered his question.......so time to change the subject.....hehehe.....j/k..... I guess the thread drift might've been rude, but on the same 32v topic
I will be back to the boat this weekend to see if the alternators are Delco. They have been rewound to put out 100 amps. Are these regulators "smart" like Balmar or one voltage? BTW, the Balmar MC-632's that I have been using are not very robust. I've gone through 9 or 10 of them in the past 15 years. The last two spares I had were defective when I installed them. They were new when they went into the spares drawer. Vibration? Heat? Awaiting a call back from "Tom" at Balmar to re-verify that they do not make them anymore nor have any more in stock.
Just to bring everyone up to date: Balmar does not manufacture nor have any MC-632 voltage regulators in stock. Irregardless of what their web site says Boat Electric does not carry any MC-632 voltage regulators anymore, irregardless of what their web site claims. Ample Power does not have any 32 volt regulators, even though their website claims to have them for sale.
I guess I was mis informed about Boat Electric, sorry for the diversion. Here is another alternative that might be worth looking into: # L5062 - Voltage Regulator for Leece-Neville External Regulated Alternators - 32 Volt, A-Circuit, 37.5 Volt set point It might also be worth calling these guys: 24, 36 and 48 volt Lithium Ion DC Voltage Regulators for Alternators
Thanks for the new leads, Marmot. However, the L5062 regulator from "Quick Start" company shows 3 amp max. I would like to go up to 100 amps output. And now I am getting out of my field of knowledge: What is the difference between "A-circuit" and "B-circuit" types?
3A is the excitation or field current rather than the output current. That is the power that is varied in order to manage the field strength. An "A circuit" controls the field current at the ground side as opposed to the "B circuit" that controls it going into the field while the other end is connected to ground. I have no idea how your alternator is configured but check online for that model and you should be able to find a circuit. Or better yet, contact Balmar and/or the regulator maker and see if the regulator is compatible.
32 v Bingo! Found a place that will build me a 32v regulator, not "smart", but "...up to 15 amp field circuit". Splain that to me Lucy.
Maybe I missed it, What model Alternators did you have? There was another thread about smart regulators vs regular (dumb) regulators a while back. My point was while running the ship, lights on - off, pumps on - off, electronics on, MDSs on - off, Yada , Ada and varying engine rps How could a smart profile be maintained. The response was,,, it does. I still don't see it, but bowed the the masses. At the end of my run, most loads reduced, dockside or on the gen-set, then my battery chargers take over, Bulk, charge & float per program. I'm a 32vdc fan. I hear about others that think 32vdc is a problem. NO 32vdc problems here. KISS, rc
It means the regulator is capable of delivering a high current to a large, high output alternator. The power output of the alternator is related to the magnetic strength of the field which is directly related to the amount of current flowing through the field windings.