Of course the east coast, as you move away from the coast, gets gangland at about the same rate. Both sides tend to get more buggy, heat and thunder storms as you move in from the coast. There's good and bad all over the state. That's why it's important to find where feels right. Very personal choice.
Cruising the ICW is fun a few times but pretty limited. Really not too many places to drop the hook. Lake boca is nothing to write home about, nor is peanut island. The derelicts and the industrial docks are not that great to look at and it s always packed anyway. Stuart has a little more to offer with decent anchorages like hooker cove but the problem is that most areas outside the marked ICW channel get really skinny even for a 4 1/2 draft On the plus side, a 4 1/2 draft is fine to run on the bay side of the keys with many nice spots to anchor and relax. All easy to reach from Miami, even for a week end.
Are you out of your mind? Moving to Florida??? King state of volcanoes, tsunami, earthquakes, tornadoes, himicanes, suicides, mobile homes, mudslides, lost light aircraft, sink holes, other old people and a new generation on ( lost **^&%$$ ) Liberals??? Not to exclude loud banjos playing in the background 24/7 (some movie theme)? Who wants to move to a state where the ground consist of moving sand, mud, Pooh and,,, with a (serious) fresh water concern in the near future? I have warned of these concerns before (at da bar). Many have listened to my warnings (when I'm buying), nobody has resolved to stay covered in da snow, ice (no help on da tab). Yankee immigrants be warned, Florina ( And I ) want your money. Just mail your money and keep yo ass up north; UNLESS YOU PUSH A POST OR BERTRAM (or something deserving).... It's in my name if your wondering... Bless us all,,, in fun,,, Ralph
Don't forget about some of the interesting laws we here in FL must adhere to: Some of the more interesting Florida laws still in existance: If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle; Failure to tell your neighbor his house is on fire is illegal; It is illegal to fish while driving across a bridge; It is illegal to skateboard without a license; It is illegal to fart in a public place after 6:00pm on a Thursday; It is considered an offense to shower naked; Oral sex is illegal; You may not kiss your wife’s breasts; When having sex, only the missionary position is legal; Florida prohibits topless walking or running within a 150 foot zone between the beach and the street; Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown; Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal; Prostitution will result in a five year banishment and a bus ticket out of town. The prostitute will also be given spending money; Penalty for horse theft is death by hanging; Women may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner; Unmarried women are prohibited from parachuting on Sunday or they shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing; Miami: It is forbidden to imitate an animal; Hialeah: Ambling and strolling is a misdemeanor; Pinecrest: In order to operate a burglar alarm, a permit must be obtained; Key West: Chickens are considered a ‘protected species’; Sanford Stage: Nudity is banned, with the exception of “bona fide” theatrical performances. Violating this ordinance results in a $100 fine; Sarasota: If you hit a pedestrian you are fined $78.00; Sarasota: You may not catch crabs; Daytona Beach: The molestation of trash cans is banned; Daytona Beach: While intoxicated, being under influence of narcotics is prohibited; Daytona Beach: It shall be unlawful for any person to swim or bathe in that portion of the Atlantic Ocean within the corporate limits of the city when under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs to the extent that his or her normal faculties are impaired; Jupiter Inlet Colony: Under a 1959 ordinance, stubborn children were considered vagrants; Tampa: It is illegal to eat cottage cheese on Sunday after 6:00 P.M.; Tampa: Florida law forbids rats to leave the ships docked in Tampa Bay; Saratoga: It is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a bathing suit; Pensacola: Citizens may not be caught downtown without at least $10 dollars on their person; Pensacola: It is illegal to roll a barrel on any street, fines go up according to the contents of the barrel; Pensacola: A women can be fined (only after death), for being electrocuted in a bath-tub because of using self-beautification utensils
All interesting and useful comments, especially about parking my elephant! I really appreciate the input and support. I will update you all with my progress as this new epoch of my life unfolds!
Well, recall that he is referring to the SE Coast...much more blue than the left coast. I don't believe they regard any laws concerning porcupines over there...
Lmao, it wouldn't be a law unless someone did it. I could only see it ending in an embarrassing doctor visit. I guess it's like anywhere else, the 50% of the population that annoys you will drive you nuts while you ignore the other 50% that don't. Edit; I guess it's an idea what the op is in for when he hangs his shingle.