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Wanted: Dinghy or similar Tender

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Carver38, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Carver38

    Carver38 Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    Atlantic City, NJ
    Looking for a dinghy for my 38 aft cabin....would like to buy something equipped with a motor and ready to use, not a project or something I have to add to so it will be complete. My budget is up to about 5K for a really good deal. Please PM me if you have a good deal to offer! I'm in the Atlantic City, NJ area.
  2. nater1977

    nater1977 New Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    East Granby Ct
    i have a dinghy for sale its a 6 or 7 foot quick silver with a 5 hp nissan 2 stroke engine and i also have a 4 stroke 6 hp engine im not sure which one i am going to sell i guess it would be the buyers decision
    i am from ct i am looking for 2k for the dinghy and the 5 hp nissan
    i would have to get a little more for the 4 stroke like 100.00 more

    When i bought my new boat in aug the previos owner gave me his other dinghy so now i have two
  3. nater1977

    nater1977 New Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    East Granby Ct
    here is the ding

    Attached Files:

  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    What's the person capacity?
  5. nater1977

    nater1977 New Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    East Granby Ct
    it is four
  6. nater1977

    nater1977 New Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    East Granby Ct
    I'm sorry three
  7. nater1977

    nater1977 New Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    East Granby Ct

    tags for the ding and engine

    Attached Files:

  8. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
    Carver38, I think you should slow down a tad and know what you want/need/can have first!

    Do you have a swim platform? How big? Are you going to tow your dinghy or install (buy and install!) a removable or rotating or up tipping davit system? Or are you going to stack it up high on your bridge? Is it going to interfere with or block your boarding ladder (it will!)?

    Then, how many you want carry? How much weight? How fast you dream of going? What kind of dink (inflatable/rigid/rigid inflatable/aluminum skiff)? If inflatable, which material (PVC/Hypalon)? If you want to use it as a safety measure then it should be always readily available and easily accessible and equipped with extra safety equipment (VHF/GPS/Pyrotechnics/Sound Signals/Survival kit/Ditch Bag - You should know what you want/need/can have!). Your stated 5k is your bargaining chip, you should keep it to your self, I apologize from Nater, but you should stretch your dollar on a second hand purchase! What accessories are you gonna get? etc. etc. it is a piece that you are stuck with for some time and it should do its purpose to make you feel it paid for its self!

    Stretch your dollar and get a bigger faster spot rib that your kids can use for water sports. (This is an example set only for the sake of argument and not an advise to pursue!). Nater's initial offer is good, but I feel you need something in the 11' size range, IF you can handle it on your boat. It is commonly said on dinghies that one should go with the biggest, fastest and best weighing unit for your budget.

    I think this thread is better turned into a discussion rather than a classified, many captains and professionals and Carver owners can help you see what will work for you in reality.

  9. nater1977

    nater1977 New Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    East Granby Ct
    i am a carver owner and i have davits it flips up nicely and easy.also his boat is even bigger than mine. But hey if he does not want it no biggie.
    yes this is a small ding i guess he should research on what he really will like big small fast or slow.
    No problem alfredz we should look out for each other
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I was wondering about that. We had an 8' on one of the boats I run. It has a 3 person capacity, and I've been checked.
  11. Carver38

    Carver38 Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    Atlantic City, NJ
    Alfred, thanks for the advice.

    I admit that revealing my budget may not SEEM like a good negotiating strategy, but that's only if I am dumb enough to pay more than something is worth just because I CAN.

    Al, I'm a guitar collector. (Actually a rather "known" one in the Beatle-related guitar collector world.)

    I have an extensive collection of absolutely beautiful guitars, acquired over many years.........ONE FANTASTIC BUY AT A TIME. Not ONCE did I indulge myself in not only not paying "retail".....I wasn't happy unless the price was somewhere south of WHOLESALE!

    Now don't get me wrong.....I didn't "steal" anything from anybody.....I simply bided my time and patiently waited for the killer deals to come along on the guitars I wanted for my collection. It took years to get those deals but it was worth the wait......I got each one at a great price and I truly enjoy my collection all the more as a result!

    Anyway, I share all this because I was simply trying to make clear I am not interested in a 15-20K package, as I have seen on other boats.

    But to answer your very good questions about what I really want?

    I want something to enjoy as an additional toy that can carry 4-6 people and get those people to land if anchored out a little and to land if it's too far to swim to shore in a catastrophic event. (I hope that makes sense.)

    My swim platform is about 38 inches deep and wide enough to carry a dinghy of the size that would suit my needs fairly easily based on other similar sized boats I've seen, so that's where I'd like to carry it.

    It's my hope that one will turn up that is in fact a killer deal and well within my budget while serving the needs I've outlined. I think my expectations are realistic and that deal will come along. I hope you guys agree!
  12. Carver38

    Carver38 Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    Atlantic City, NJ
    I started this thread a while ago and eventually wound up offering the above quoted post....a summary of what I feel I want/need for my boat and why.

    I still haven't found anything, and thus I am still in the market and an immediate cash buyer of the deal is right. (Meaning that it's what I am looking for at a great value.)

    I wish I could just afford to go buy a brand new rig for my boat, but I simply have to try to save some money by buying used, the same reason I bought (and I suspect many others do as well) a used boat.

    I've been spending lots of cash on new stuff for and service on the engines, new freshwater heads, electronics, etc, etc.

    But it seems to me a used dinghy for my used boat isn't inappropriate, and I am looking at many sources, still hoping perhaps one of the members here have something that will serve my needs and we can come to a mutually satisfying arrangement.
  13. nater1977

    nater1977 New Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    East Granby Ct

    So I have dropped my price to 1000 for the ding and 5 hp engine
    A mouse has chewed a hole in it and I have patched with the industrial patch not cement or glue I am letting it set for a few days. Then I will check it If your still interested.
  14. Carver38

    Carver38 Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    Atlantic City, NJ
    Still looking!

    As I sit in the cockpit of my boat this cloudy but still promising Saturday morning, I've just returned from a morning walk around the marina , where boat watching is a great morning walk distraction. "Boardwalk" is here, with her own helicopter (made me think of you Carl!) right up on her flight deck.

    Started wondering what kind of tender she has and remembered I still want a dinghy! (Funny how the mind makes these leaps, huh?)

    Anyway, just thought I'd bump this thread up to remind everyone I am still in the market!

    One of our members advised me to try to narrow my search to what I really want/need (usually two vastly different things in my case!) and I can now do that, having experienced a few here at the marina. I'd ideally like to find a Nautica or similar 14 foot RIB or less (that's what we are allowed to keep in our slip with our boat) with at least a 40HP motor, preferably a 4 stroke.

    Looked at boat trader and eBay and haven't found anything truly local which I'd prefer, so now I am going to widen my search area and will travel up to a hundred miles as long as a trailer is included to haul it back. If the seller were willing to deliver to Atlantic City, NJ, I'd be happy to pay a fair price for that service.

    Same budget, which from what I have seen can be done. Of course if the deal required a little more money but represented a spectacular value I'd find a way. BTW, if anyone had an interest in a trade deal, I have a 2003 Harley Ultra Glide with about 50K invested, in mint, way way better than new condition. I also have a fantastic guitar collection if a seller had an interest in acquiring some truly spectacular instruments. I'd be willing to "over-trade" to get what I want, as an incentive to do a trade deal.

  15. catainslady68

    catainslady68 New Member

    Aug 30, 2014
    Martin County, Fl
    Too bad your in Jersey. There is a great 13'4" Boston Whaler with 40 HP 4 stoke Honda for sale in Okeechobee, FL. Interested?