How many remember the older Carvers. This is my 1978 33' Mariner. I keep this on Oneida lake outside of Syracuse New York. I have had it quite a while and love it . She is in just about in perfect condition with many updates. It is 36 years old and was in storage approx. 15 years at a Carver dealer. In the process of buying a new one for down south. Nothing like being a two boat owner.
Hi Scott, This is Poppa John (John DiScenza), I am from Syracuse New York and have been thinking about relocating to Lake Lanier. I have a daughter who lives in Loganville. Any information about your area would be a great help. I would like to live aboard. By the way, nice boat, Thanks, Johnny D.
Thanks Nomad, No interior pictures yet, started changing things last year. New counter top, sink and stove top. Eliminated the old stove and oven for the extra storage. It's a great boat, with central air/heat and a large inverter. Will try to take some after the shrink wrap comes off. Have a Great Day John
mjkkemper that helm looks awesome. You must have spent hours on it, I'd love to have something like that on mine. It's great to see how some people have the skills and talent to do theses types of things. I sure wish I did, maybe 20 years ago when my hands were still young...LOL
Mjkkemper, great looking work. Seems like I might have seen those stairs on another forum. If I remember, you made them yourself.
St Croix River. Hudson WI old tops. New tops last October. Green Pin stripe will be gone as soon as the 48" of snow melts!! One last snowmobile trip this weekend. Tower MN..
Selomdry, the new canvas looks great. What's a good price for canvas on a 355. I will start looking to change mine soon. I will probably go with black. I know it will be hotter but I don't thing it will show spider turds as bad.
Been lurker for a while, Our family have had Carvers for 20 years. From 38 Santego to the 53 Pilot house. Here is mine we got last June. Redid canvas and floors this winter.
The floor looks great. Is that wood or something else. That's my next project. The power went out last year and the fridge thawed out and buckled the hardwood in the galley.
Thank you. Floors are a Shaw product that Lowes carries. It's a small tounge and grove rubber flexible plank material. Waterproof and easy to work with and cut. I used metal shears to make smooth cuts. It is made to be floating but I lightly glued it down. The moulding for hatches was much harder than the floor. It's a TACO T moulding, lot of detailed cuts and it's expensive. I tried other moulding options but everything I tried was too sharp bc it was thin or would require me to do lid and hatch edges doubling my cuts or was cheap looking. I was about to do entire floor but the 7 hatches would have been a bear. I found the carpet in attic of new home we just moved into so it was free, cut it and had it bound.