I just started to make this build i am going to make some fiberglass stairs for the swim platform and make a bigger swim platform later so here are some of the picks for the form i have been building.This has taken me about 14 hours so far and no i am not a carpenter i still don't know how to read a tape
stairs remember this a plug so the inside is where we put the fiberglass If anyone has any tips PLEASE feel free to let me know!!!
Can't tell if you've already done it, but soften the edges. Square edges could cause injuries and may chip easier. Also put a none-skid pattern on the steps.
yes After this mold sets up i will have to flip it over and maybe caulk????? for the corners and i am going to use a non slip material for the steps thanks!!
Now just finished the bottom frame and sanded level NOW i have noticed THAT THE CONTOUR IS NOT CORRECT TO FIT THE BOAT PROPERLY.... Well thats why its a DIY trial and error this will be the third time making the two pieces that fit into the rubber bumper around the boat.. I have use liquid nails witch suck for this kind of (wood) its particle board so i use hot glue and liquid nails, it does come apart.So its fairly easy to tear apart,great for trial and error. The fibers on the rough side just rips off a very small layer when taking apart so you can reglue many times over..NICE! So now back to the boat a second time and get a real good fit,Taking the ladder off and then place,mark,cut ,hot glue go home and reinforce it with liquid nails and corner bead then more hot glue.
As previously mentioned, soften the edges. Maybe more of a 1" radius as opposed to just a thin caulk line or put the caulk on thicker and form a radius. You might have to get in there with some fairing compound. Lookin' good so far.
I'm having spiral stairs made that look like this: If anyone is interested in having them made let me know asap, cause maybe the price could come down from $2,300 CDN
Nice looking, but doubt you'll have any luck lowering the price. They probably build more for houses than for boats. So I doubt another sale will affect price.
that's my problem i am not going to spend 2300 on stairs i can build for about 500 Guess i am too cheap but i was going to build the spiral but i liked using fiber glass and i dint want any metal on my build and i don't have a tig welder to weld aluminum so i guess i am still building these ones out of fiber glass
Yes caulk or wood putty. 1" radius is correct. If using caulk put a thick bead on then take a old credit card or one with a big balance. Cut the radius on the corner and use this to shape the caulk. Buy the cheap painters caulk and keep it refrigerated. This shapes the best. Sure you saw my post so I hope that helps. Also if you put a door on there like I did you can store your outboard for the dink in there. Oh core the steps other wise they will be bouncy.
Thanks so much for the tips I am just finishing up the prep and I will be caulking and getting ready for primer. Hope I can prime this week!!!
Who is doing those stairs for you?? Had someone quote me similar stairs for my 3807 last year but they kept dragging their feet and didn't come through.
It's a guy who does what he calls "Iron ArtWorks" He says he will complete them in 3 weeks. I have checked him out and there is nothing but praise for him and his work.
RB480 do you happen to remember the cost from the factory? One thing I haven't seen mentioned here is weight. I'm guessing that the full fiberglass stairs that are being made will probably add 80 or 100 lbs which will be sitting on the quarter. That could affect stability and ride. The spiral stairs look lighter and shift the weight up against the transom and further inboard.
Here's a little offset, as Ralph would say. Ernie K-Doe - Mother-In-Law (Oldies Weekend Special) - YouTube
If only you could get away with strapping her to the swim platform. Whatever happened to rumble seats in cars, or the old speedboats with the passenger seat behind the motor? Seriously though that's a critical place to add weight. It may have no effect, but it's worth having someone stand on the corner to see if an offset (mother-in-law) is needed.
So i had to back out of making these fiberglass stairs because my boat is documented and the stairs would cover the name and hailing port. After research and calling a lot of places i have a company making me a set of spiral stairs for under 700.00 yes under seven hundred. There are custom and they have a lifetime warranty on the workman ship. They will look like this and they are coming galvanized so i might powder coat them myself i could have paid a couple hundred more for the powder coat. I still cant believe i found someone under 2000.00 dollars for a set of spiral stairs!!!!! If you want a quote let me know i will set you up with the company!!!! They will look CLOSE TO THESE!!!!!!!!!!