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Captain available-full/part time, deliveries or training

Discussion in 'Yacht Captains' started by Capt Bill11, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I disagree with that in today's world. It is quite possible to take jobs, perform well, and then find yourself out of a job as an owner sells. It's the same thing that happens in the Corporate world. I knew one very qualified person who went through a string of jobs as every company he worked for ended up in an acquisition or merger. In essence the company he joined, ceased to exist.

    As an employer I look at each job held and why it ended. Often there are good explanations that make me comfortable. Other times there are explanations that don't fit. But I don't think a broad generalization is appropriate. There are too many boats that have been sold or decided they could no longer pay for a full time captain.

    I think a lot of owners come in a bit blind too. They see the purchase price and they can easily afford that so buy a yacht. But they have no idea what it costs to maintain and run it or how little time they'll actually have to use it. The other thing that happens is they are sold on the idea they'll charter it regularly and that doesn't materialize.
  2. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
    Hi there all,

    Following Captain Bill's posts over the year and reading what other experienced members had to say about him puts him in his rightful position in the "A" list of captains, no doubt about that.

    I don't see how turning his "Classified" listing for a full/part time captain/delivery/trainer, into a debate about employment period, and employee, employer attitude will help him! It all began the right way with good testimonies by other professionals, but with 1,111 views by now, I think we are all harming his thread by deflecting it of its intended course as a classified into being a general discussion, which is interesting and good, but within another thread I think!

    Apologies to Captain Bill and all others around here. Following you captain makes have not the least doubt you'll get a gig that you deserve soon.

  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Almost every thread on YF is an opportunity for us to become more educated. It took a bit of a side track because I'm curious about the employment situation in our industry, and Capt. Bill (with his qualifications and reputation) will be a good weather vane. From his perspective that should also be a good thing because normally a classified like his would be off the new posts within hours. The more discussion the thread generates, the longer it's displayed and the more people see it.
  4. Bamboo

    Bamboo Senior Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Palm Beach, FL
    I agree with everything in this post. The more traffic to Capt. Bill's thread the better. I'm also curious about the current employment environment; I think we all know one of the the toughest parts of this industry is finding and staying with a good owner/company. There certainly is an element of luck associated with being successful in that endeavor. BTW the south florida craigsl!st has many advertisements looking for captains. One job in Jupiter for a 90 footer posted ten days ago looks like a promising one, I've no association.

    Bill I tried to send you a link but your inbox is full.
  5. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    I'm a little shocked that the owner of a 90 footer is looking on Craig's list for a captain!
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    That shocked me as well. It made me wonder if they're looking for captains on the cheap or if responding leads to a disreputable agent looking to take advantage of the desperate or even to a porn site.
  7. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL

    Thanks. I opened up some space in my PM box.
  8. Bamboo

    Bamboo Senior Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Palm Beach, FL
    Why? Is there some secret list of captains he/she should know about?
    Shocked? Again why? Are job offers found on CL less legitimate than offers from a third party broker or direct from the owner via some other means? Where else is the owner supposed to find a captain? Walk down the dock and spend his or her time trying to sort thru people he meets?
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Generally there are a lot of scams on Craigslist and things of that nature. So I too would have thought it would be odd to be looking for a Captain there (craigslist). I would think a posting on this forum or other yachting related forum would be a better choice. Brokers, crew agencies, mechanics all have somebody they'd usually know and recommend.
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Every job I've gotten has come through referral. Craigslist is interesting. I bought my Harley from there, but I'd expect to find maybe a clerk's position there. I wouldn't expect to find a captain's position advertised any more than I'd expect to find a corporate executive position. But maybe CL is different in Florida than what I see here.
  11. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    Yes, there*is* a secret list of captains, I am on the list! why aren't you?

  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY