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Update: Got our new boat! 2005 Cheoy Lee

Discussion in 'Cheoy Lee Yacht' started by Lili429, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Lili429

    Lili429 Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Hugging the Coast Adventure
    We paid the downpayment and on our way to the sea trial and survey. Any suggestions or thoughts?
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Sure, bring sunscreen. Without telling us even what type of boat it is, suggestions would be useless. Follow the surveyor around the entire time and see what he's looking at and where everything is.
  3. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Pack you swimsuit, just in case it sinks and hope the engine(s) fail(s) before you are to far from shore, unless you are a long distant swimmer.

    Other than that, enjoy the ride.
  4. Lili429

    Lili429 Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Hugging the Coast Adventure
    Oops its hard to be new and know what the perfect questions are

    We are learning. Will try to be more specific in the future.
  5. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Hope you have better luck than Sherrie.

    P.S.- You seem to be busy starting new Threads.

    P.P.S.- Hope you have enough cash for your purchase. Bankers like specific info before they loan money and you have a habit of playing "Guess What I'm Thinking?!"
  6. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
    Hey there,

    Let me try and be useful here. When you ask a question on YachtForums, you are doing so in a community of 31,000+ members of the boating world with a knowledge base starting at enthusiasts level whom might have never even seen a boat up-close or even water in anything larger than a bath tub, all the way up the chain to entrepreneurs and key creators in the industry. Also, your question is viewed by almost 1,000,000 viewer including members every month starting from the day you click "POST".

    So, to make the best of your thread and document the knowledge of those who know; treat your questions like you would a search entry on a search engine:
    If you search for the word 'Char', you will get billions of results, the top one might be 'Char Broiled Tuna on Rye'! which is not what you are after. (Like the answers you got previously!)
    If you refine your entry to 'Charl', again; the results are unlimited and 'Charlie Sheen Roast' while funny, (eThpeThalee the TyTHin bit!), is still not what you are after.
    If you be realistic and enter 'Charlise Theron Nude' from the very beginning, you will get Eco-friendly power/time saving hits that you can kick back and enjoy!

    This is not directed AT you but rather FOR you and many of us that miss being clear and then sit around wondering 'Why aren't we getting answers?!'. By time, you will notice that many question threads have the same issue, that is why I sought this answer which I hope does not offend anyone or break the forums rules and guidelines.

    Boat Make, model, year, power package, etc. will be helpful to filter out the answers and the more info you add, the more professional and reliable answers you get. Otherwise, you'll need a thicker skin set cause even Charlie can't take toasting in here! :)

    Again, no offense and I just meant to help.

  7. Caltexflanc

    Caltexflanc Senior Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    North Carolina
    I think we have a troll here gang.
  8. Lili429

    Lili429 Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Hugging the Coast Adventure
    This is so harsh and I am completely shocked at the comments here. We are paying cash for the boat, have thought about this a considerable amount of time with a very thought out plan. I don't think this is what I thought being part of a forum would be. When you become part of a community we all come in at different levels of experience. It is what we've learned that makes us be an integral part of the group.

    I get that I may not seem totally educated here and perhaps this isn't quite specifically right for you, but there are people who are always going to be on the water who are new and we will always look to those who have positive expertise to offer.

    Not a troll
  9. Lili429

    Lili429 Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Hugging the Coast Adventure
    And just for the record I am on the way to an awesome education. I am a female who owns a boat (a 68' Cheoy lee) as of today who has the wherewith to set out for the adventure of a lifetime with my husband.

    I am the one researching and putting together our trip

    I will be posting but you don't have to respond. I already have made friends who are willing to take in newbies. Thick skin has nothing to do with respect
  10. Lili429

    Lili429 Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Hugging the Coast Adventure
  11. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    And for the record we would like to assist and answer but right now all we could really is just start writing with all the random information or knowledge or opinions we might have. Now you have told us what boat, but where you are, what your desires are, what your experience is and any other information would get you far more help. Generally in an initial post seeking information the more you can share, the greater you'll get back.

    You say putting together your trip? Trip from where to where? Are you only planning one trip? I could suggest many trips but a starting place and a time frame would certainly help. Maybe you've disclosed some information in different threads but we don't automatically connect those threads and the information.
  12. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    While interesting I have no idea how that connects to driven. And there seemed to be a gaggle of blondes at the end.
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Well, when you come on a forum and ask such a broad question that nobody can answer, what kind of response do you expect. If you at least give some details, such as we'd like to take a trip for 2 weeks and the boat is located here and is this type of boat with this type of speed. Then you might get some educated answers..... If I emailed you and said what kind of shirt should I buy..... the first thing you're going to ask is more information......good luck on your purchase.
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Hi Lili429. Seems like there's a communication problem going on. You probably have caught on that you need to package your questions differently. The first thread I saw did ok asking for opinions on the 68 Cheoy Lee. The next I believe was asking about where to find the cheapest dockage. That was really lacking info. This one looks like you're jumping really fast, but some people do that.

    You're dealing with a lot of people here who apparently have a lot more experience than you. Sure you could be a troll, and that will become obvious soon enough if so. But welcome to YF. Your alluded to a thick skin That's a good thing to have on this forum. This can be a hard crowd, but you'll find no better input anywhere.

    So let me address your question.
    First, have you hooked up with a captain yet? You'll need one. In fact your insurance company will probably require it. This is a good time to find him, because he can be essential as you check out your boat. I believe you posted from Naples, Fl.? If so may I suggest that you contact Capt. Bill from here on YF. He just announced that his gig is ending and he's available. His rep here is good.

    Second, may I suggest that you use the SEARCH feature above before starting a new thread. You might (will probably) find that the answers you seek have already been answered.

    Third, if you have a trip planned, you might want to post your ideas. This is a well traveled lot. You'll get some good tips.

    Good luck.
  15. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    You seem to forget that some members are female and Captains. ;)
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Sorry Old Phart, I don't understand.:confused:

    But I'd never forget that. My wife was a working captain.
  17. SomeTexan

    SomeTexan Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    Texas, landlocked for a bit longer...
    Pronounced drive-en. Ghetto slang used by the uneducated or those who don't understand the problems associated with autocorrect. To translate, I think she meant "driving" rather than a movie reference. ;)

    Note: this post was made in jest, not to be taken seriously.
  18. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    You said this is a good time to find HIM, because HE......I believe that is what he was referring too. Very observant. Very picky as we never developed a unisex pronoun. Could have said "Him/her" and "he/she" but then he couldn't have harassed you.
  19. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Given some captains I've known I'd have to say He/She/It to be 100% PC.:D
  20. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    All the more reason we need unisex pronouns.